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Laser Revolver and Laser SMG


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While browsing the internet the other day looking for photos of the AER9 Laser Rifle prop that was floating around and I found a couple of pictures from various sources that gave me a eureka moment. Immediately I thought Fallout!

The first was a revolver that I thought would make a good Laser Revolver (or Plasma, I'm not sure which). http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1luLRXKoJM8/ScjdQj68uWI/AAAAAAAAPVo/z8fNWF8j3yY/s400/cosmo%20dragoon.jpg


I imagine it would hold three energy cells (in the cylinder) and fire nine shots before needing to be reloaded, someone would have to make a new model as well as animations which would likely be hard... I thought about the projectile and think that the best choice would be the Gauss rifle's... Maybe a different color??


The second was a Laser SMG, and yes, I know this gun is from starwars, but I don't want the in game thing to have anything to do with starwars mkay? And I think that Colonel Autum's laser pistol (the automatic one)'s projectile(s) would be better than the laser gatling gun... Just because I hate the way the gatling laser's projectile looks...



I would be indebted forever to the person that does this! Because they would be considered a god among modders!!!

Any questions, comments, suggestions, changes, etc. would be appreciated!!

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Animation is not required, you can just use the vanilla animations, you could use the gauss rifle reload animation, or you could use the .44 magnum animation, either way, the only thing you need is models and textures, not my field I'm afraid.
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I can understand this. I have requeated once a Walter WA 2000 Sniper rifle. Yup its made, but the author just ported from a nother game, ( I think from a Hitman game, maybe contracts...)

The animations are from the regular sniper so it looks a bit f*cked up when I'm reloading it.


I don't know about how hard to make animations, or anything else, I only play whit the finished stuffs, lol how noobish of me :wacko:

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Out of all other types of modding: modelling, texturing, scripting and general modding; Animation is (apparently) the hardest of all; it requires alot of commitment on the creaters behalf.


Chance of this modding getting done:


Models and Textures: 3/5

Animation: 1/5


Overall: 4/10

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