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Agent of the Gods


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Why I'm Here
So I had what I thought would be a pretty cool idea for a Mod that adds 7 new quests for each of the divines like the Book of Love quest for Mara. Each would have an "Agent of " Perk as the reward.
The trouble is, I get seriously overwhelmed every time I look at the creation kit.
If anyone is willing to collaborate with me on this one that would be awesome. I can't do much of the actual modding, but I have in mind flavorful quest outlines, balanced perks, and willing voice actors.

The Quests as I envision them would be based of the book Nine Commands of the Eight Divines. Here is just an overview of what I have in mind:

Mara Live soberly and peacefully. Honor your parents, and preserve the peace and security of home and family.
Quest: Book of Love, no alterations.

Perk: Agent of Mara, no alterations.
Lose Favor: Spouse dies
(They really knocked it out of the park with the Book of Love quest. It really felt like the way to gain Mara's blessings.)

Dibella Open your heart to the noble secrets of art and love. Treasure the gifts of friendship. Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love.
Quest: Re-unite feuding houses
Perk: Agent of Dibella, Altered to give 25% bonus to Illusion instead of 10% to damage
Lose Favor: Follower dies
(It always seemed weird to me that the goddess of love, art, and friendship helped you hurt people more. The quest also didn't give me a feeling of honoring Dibella.)

Stendarr Be kind and generous to the people of Tamriel. Protect the weak, heal the sick, and give to the needy.
Quest: Help a colony of beggars, with a surprise twist ending.
Perk: Immune to Poison (Cures Vampirism)
Lose Favor: Become Vampire, Join Dark Brotherhood
(Apparently the vigilant of Stendarr are fanatics born from the oblivion crisis. Stendarr worship used to be more centered around generally helping the weak and defenseless)

Julianos Know the truth. Observe the law. When in doubt, seek wisdom from the wise.
Quest: Solve Riddles in the Library of Julianos
Perk: Learn skills 20% faster
Lose Favor: Read Oghma Infinium or Black Perk Books
(This is probably the most ambitious part of the mod, I have the whole thing mapped and drawn out. But I'm willing to simplify it a bit)

Arkay Honor the earth, its creatures, and the spirits, living and dead. Guard and tend the bounties of the mortal world, and do not profane the spirits of the dead.
Quest: Heal priest of Arkay, escort through vampire/draugr/Skeleton infested tomb to properly inter a body.
Perk: Immune to Disease (Cures Vampirism)
Lose Favor: Become Vampire, Use Black Soul Gem
(Basically building this one off an Arkay hates necromancy theme)

Work hard, and you will be rewarded. Spend wisely, and you will be comfortable. Never steal, or you will be punished.
Quest: Build a settlement for Stendarr's beggars
Perk: Chance to duplicate crafted items
Lose Favor: Join the Thieves Guild

(I figure this one can use some Hearthfire tech)

Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power, and fear her fury.
Quest: I'd have to get permission, but I'd like to use the bottomless pit mod with a Realm of Kynareth at the bottom.
Perk: A permanent version of Voice of the Sky
Lose Favor: Kill animals, become Werewolf

Akatosh Serve and obey your Emperor. Study the Covenants. Worship the Eight, do your duty, and heed the commands of the saints and priests.
Quest: Gain all other favors
Perk: Slow time (toggle like Khajitt night vision)
Lose Favor: Lose Favor with any other gods.

Be strong for war. Be bold against enemies and evil, and defend the people of Tamriel.
(I think it's best to leave Talos out of it, because its fun not to have him confirmed as a god. Also I feel like his quest would have to be Stormcloak civil war related, and that would railroad players too much)


I'm willing to bend from my creative vision and I don't want to seem too married to any feature. For instance, I'm not sure losing the perk after you gain it would work, and if it does I'm not sure if gaining it back should be an option.

Alternatively I've thought of linking the perks with vanilla quests or events. For instance you gain the Agent of Arkay perk when you complete Laid to Rest and Berit's Ashes quests.

If you are interested let me know what details you'd need to know before joining up.

If anyone knows of other mods that do similar things, please let me know. Perhaps I could just use those mods instead.

Thanks for your consideration.

Edited by JohnnoCox
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Well even it is not a mod yet ( I have been noticed someone has been working on it) I made a request about a month or two ago that seems to be slightly similar to this. I suggest you give it a quick look. You might be interested (it's the "Of blessings and Champions" link in my signature).


And as you might have noticed if you had a look at my request, I think that religion is a great part of immersion and thus would always like a possible diversification: your idea seems nice. However I would like to see a little more details, just to know if this is something I should get excited about.


EDIT: I think the détails are here now, let's have a look at them ^^

Edited by draconisking
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That could be pretty cool especially since there are 8 equip-able slots:
Head- Julianos for sure
Body- Arkay
Gloves- Zenithar
Amulet- Dibella
Ring- Mara
Boots- Kynareth
Shield- Stendarr
Weapon- Akatosh

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My take:


Julianos - headgear or amulet for mages. Maybe a circlet or hood for magical stats/resistance

Arkay- Can be anything IMO, as long as it's power is to save you from death once a day to full recovery. He is god of life and death after all.

Zenithar- a mask that improves barter. LOL.

Dibella- goddess of beauty, so maybe something to increase persuasion rates?

Mara- power to calm all opponents once a day? make them fall for you lol.

Kynareth- Boots for speed, carryweight and stamina ? She is goddess of the wind. Or maybe summon spriggans power?

Stendarr- Shield sounds good. Stendarr seems to be projected as defender. Or a super silver weapon: increased damage against daedra, werewolves, vampires and ghosts with knockback/stagger damage, similar to daedric dawnbreaker mod. Hammer of Stendarr's Righteous might!!!

Akatosh- I don't really agree with this being a weapon, I'm more for shield or armor, or a charm with defense. Akatosh is the god of time. If it's shield or armor, it can have an effect that when an enemy attacks/hits you, it will have a chance to trigger a slow time effect allowing you to counter. Or maybe a power to reverse your time to 5 seconds ago (like Nerubian Weaver from DotA), restoring all your health, mana and stamina points to that point. That would be awesome but seems a difficult script.

Talos- someone should use the sword of the dragonborn for this. :D


Now I really want to learn how to mod. LOL.

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