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AI Package Help


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I can script fine, I can world build decently, and I'm capable of making quests.

The one thing I still don't understand are AI Packages.


What I want to make is a rat creature that will search the general area for gold or a cheese wedge or a cheese wheel.

I also want them to follow the player if they don't see any of said item.


I have added a find package for the cheese and a follow, but it seems to just stand there where there's no cheese about.

I suspect that if I understood this I'd have much more success with AI Packages in the future. Can anyone explain how I can accomplish this?

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After reading the CS it appears I want to use a Escourt package with the target set to the items.

I still don't know how to (or if it's possible) to get them to follow the players when there are none (Or maybe after giving said items to the player?)

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With a find or escort package, if the item to find or escort doesn't exist within the search area, the package will just keep trying to locate those items. The only way to make the package get ignored in favor of another package is through scripting or conditions on that package. As far as conditions go, these can be rather hard to work with in cases when you want a condition based on something non-specific, like a generic item or NPC in the area. With scripting, things become a bit more complicated since you would need to use conditions which are based around a package failure that can trigger a package becoming invalid (through conditions) or can force a temporary package onto the owner.


In this case, something would likely need to be figured out using




or some other scripting function within a script in order to detect the failure before adding a temporary follow package or changing a condition used to control which package will be used.

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