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Moving "Away" from Beautiful People, getting more eyes &


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(also had to move "Textures\characters\eyes\BP-SIEyes" to "Textures\characters\Nequam\BP-SIEyes", said that just for the record)


My bad. Though you can edit plugin to change eye texture paths(as well as hair meshes). I haven't change paths for required hair/eyes, though I may have some mistakes while changing private .esm to public version.

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I deleted eye records corresponding to ID "00491A" from the argonian race in the ESP

then error moved to another eye ID "000EEE", then another, and again, and so on ....


then once there is no more custom eyes for the argonian race in the ESP it does the same thing with the nord race !


so I then moved on making the ESM a master of Beautiful People Main ESP then edit it with TECS and add a few eyes here and there (less than 3)

same exact problem


Did you make your bashed patch with the public ESM that you released here ? or rather with a private ESM for your personal use ?

if you did it with the public ESM then which version of wrye bash did you use ?

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First, make sure you copied/moved eye meshes to correct place(If you're not sure, installing Elaborate Eyes will help). Also, If BP is your only cosmetic mod(and there's no other mod that changes NPC faces), you don't need to import eyes or hairs to bashed patch(Oh, wait, there're also body replacer plugins).

Using Wrye Bash 270. I'll try it with 271 and check.


**My private version uses different path for some hairs(i.e. Sulhwa hairs). And I change it back when I'm making public version.

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I already checked that the eye meshes are in the correct place like ... about 10 times

if my path/name is still wrong I will seriously consider going to a doctor for a brain checkup ! :ninja: :biggrin:

I tried BP version of the eye meshes (copying & renaming them)

I tried Elaborate Eyes version of eye meshes (just extracted them since here there's no need for copy/rename)


as an additional check, I just reverted back the beautiful people ESP to the original (I precise that because with all the test I messed with it a lot)

added one of the new eye dds in here "Characters\Centhena\Jeepers_Creepers_Peepers\ALLg3_sclera_green.dds"

then added that eye to argonian race and just made a bashed patch successfully.


at this point I think it's either wrye bash or the ESM or a combination of the two, could be wrong though...

edit: probably a combination of the two since BP cosmetic library works fine here if not using bashed patch feature.

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Perhaps you can test with:

1. Unmodified Beautiful People(need to edit bash tag)

2. Uninstall BP completely, then install other cosmetic mod(although you need to start new game).

Try to make bashed patch, and see if it shows some kind of error message.

1. what do you want me to do exactly ? BP was unmodified before and it didn't work either. besides I restored BP state just right now by overwriting the ESP from the original archive

(I always keep backups of all my files in their original downloaded package) (EDIT: I know how to edit bash tags but I don't know what you want me to change them to...)



2 I forgot to say a few things about my testing methodology it seems, which is not surprising considering the amount of hours I put into that already.

I already tried all combinations of BP & BP cosmetic compilation alternative :

that is : one fully deactivated (not present in bashed patch either), the other activated plus other combinations


as soon as BP cosmetic compilation alternative is active when starting the bashed patch process, the later won't complete.


Also, if I just remake a bashed patch without "BP cosmetic compilation alternative" & neither "BP", then afterwards activate BP cosmetic compilation alternative

I will be able to start the game, start a new game or even do the whole "changing race" trick that I talked about before.

However only additional races (mystic elves) will get any hair or eyes with this process. (because the bashed patch is the latest in the load order)

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One thing I forgot: I do not use BP-Cosmetic Library as it is. I usually add more custom races into it, and also merge body replacer plugin. Also original BP plugin should not be used with modified BP plugin, including BP-Cosmetic Compliation or BP-Cosmetic Library.
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just so you know, I gave up on your mod and installed cobl races which despite the longer installation steps took me less time to get working :sweat:


thanks for trying to help me though.


Make sure uninstall BP completely. Hehe. Of course, you will need to restart your game, or change your race/hair/eyes to vanilla ones, then change them back(do not forget to use console command to adjust stats and skills if they're messed up).

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