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POLL: Favorite Oblivion Race?


Favorite Race?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Whic race is your favorite?

    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Altmer (High Elf)
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    • Dunmer (Dark Elf)
    • Argonian
    • Orsimer (Orc)
    • Khajiit
    • Breton
    • Nord

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I started off playing a wood elf and after being called a tree hugger by an orc and feeling the distaste from all other races, and personalized it, because I am quite odd myself in real life lol. I like the wood elfs!


For modded races, aquamer is #1, and the recent demon hunter is #2. I like races with a lot of detail and unique additions. :)

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I prefer the wood elves cause' Alba has become my best ally and so I thought I should be a wood elve myself and I like shooting wolfs with my bow from far away and sneak-killing npc's out of the distance. But of the modded ones I think the demons were the best^^I'm called an demon myself often so they just suited me the most :biggrin:
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I generally play as Imperials, though the Dunmer are a pretty close second to that. IMO, the Dunmer are the best race if you want a hot looking female character. Imperials, well, they just seem to have the most normal-sounding voices of the humanoid races. Dunmer just look plain cool.
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