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Huge town...


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So.. This is going to sound like alot but seeing how many modders there are out there and how many of you are so damn talented that I think you should work for the game developers :P someone of you must be able to do this...



The one thing that has bugged me from the start with almost every game are the towns.. Megaton is called a bigger settlement... Rivet City <--- CITY wtf dude?, Big town....


what would make fallout super good would be a HUGE MEGATON... i mean like triple the size of current megaton... big walls outside... people living in some settlement outside since of the inside being too crowded/expensive.. the settlement can have be made of like tents/old trucks/camping cars etc... and the inside can be like Megaton.. rusty old ugly.. but it can also have some old houses that didnt get destroyed by the bombs... so it would be like a real town!

Like if you could copy the current megaton and just make it alot bigger in size + houses + npcs + eviroment and well everything.. i know its asking alot but it would be extremely cool if someone pulled it off! (and no i cant, ive tried GECK but i lost patience for it...)


To sum it up:

A real town...

Gated with guards (makes it look cooler)

Settlement outside, Springville could be converted into the settlement of people perhaps? or that might be a little to "far" away from megaton... hm..

BIG INSIDE, more than 1 bar, 1 shop, 1 food place like current megaton,...


and call it ULTRATON instead... lol just joking...




so... sorry for any spelling mistakes/grammar..



rappakalja (long time reader, newtime account/poster)

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One secret. Megaton was just a crater whit a bomb before the merchants marched in and built it, so theres no chance to found some undestroyed buildings. But it would be cool to have some buildings in better shape, larger, fancyer, etc...

Maybe homes from whole planes, and small shacks from mud or whatewer.

But yeah, a 3-4 times bigger megaton would be good. One problem, the town is wide enugh, so it could expand downsides or up whit towers. You know, undergroung chambers, some living quarters, but in a same shape as the town, from junk, not in a vault theme, huge towers from airplanes wings, tails, junk, and spare parts.

So what do you think ?

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One secret. Megaton was just a crater whit a bomb before the merchants marched in and built it, so theres no chance to found some undestroyed buildings. But it would be cool to have some buildings in better shape, larger, fancyer, etc...

Maybe homes from whole planes, and small shacks from mud or whatewer.

But yeah, a 3-4 times bigger megaton would be good. One problem, the town is wide enugh, so it could expand downsides or up whit towers. You know, undergroung chambers, some living quarters, but in a same shape as the town, from junk, not in a vault theme, huge towers from airplanes wings, tails, junk, and spare parts.

So what do you think ?


yeah, true about real houses... but like maybe someone made themselves a real house anyway x)


well yeah the size would matter (size doesnt matter my ass..) and it doesnt have to expand upwards, some of the uber modellers i guess could just expand megaton or something? :) make megatons border/walls be wider/bigger to make way for a bigger inside :)



ahwell i guess its just wishful thinking ^^

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