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Maxxed Graphics/Texture Mod Issues with GTX 780 Build


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I have recently purchased Skyrim for my new PC build. I am quite unfamiliar with modding in general so I expected this will take time for me to get the right setup with my mods. My goal is to maximize my graphics/texture with the game while maintaining at or close to 60 FPS. However, so far after downloading numerous mods for testing, the graphics are not working as intended and my FPS is down to 40 with lows around 25 FPS. As you can see with these pictures there are obvious missing graphics that are not working at the moment:





Here is my load order of mods using NMM sorted by BOSS and tested to run with TES5Edit:



  1. Skyrim.esm
  2. Update.esm
  3. Unoffical Skyrim Patch.esp
  4. Dawnguard.esm
  5. Unoffical Dawnguard Patch.esp
  6. HearthFires.esm
  7. Unofficial HearthFires Patch.esp
  8. Dragonborn.esm
  9. Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
  10. Falskaar.esm
  11. Wyrmstooth.esp
  12. ApachiiHair.esm
  13. ClimatesOf Tamriel.esm
  14. Moonpath.esm
  15. HighResTexturePack01.esp
  16. HighResTexturePack02.esp
  17. HighResTexturePack03.esp
  18. Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
  19. Better Dynamic Snow.esp
  20. ClimatesOf Tamriel-Sound.esp
  21. StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
  22. StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTemFix.esp
  23. StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp
  24. 83Willows 101BUGS V4 HighRes.esp
  25. Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
  26. Chesko WearableLantern.esp
  27. Moss Rocks.esp
  28. Point The Way.esp
  29. ShootingStars.esp
  30. Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
  31. Skyrim Immersive Creatures- DLC2.esp
  32. Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
  33. Footprints.esp
  34. Footprints –Ash.esp
  35. RaceMenu.esp
  36. RaceMenuPlugin.esp
  37. SkyUI.esp
  38. iHUD.esp
  39. Cloaks.esp
  40. Cloaks- Dawnguard.esp
  41. Hothtrooper 44 Armor Ecksstra.esp
  42. Hothtrooper44 ArmorCompilation.esp
  43. Immersive Weapons.esp
  44. VanguardArmor.esp
  45. Buildablehouse.esp
  46. Moonpath questdata.esp
  47. Run For Your Lives.esp
  48. When Vampires Attack.esp
  49. The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
  50. SFO- Dragonborn.esp
  51. SFO-Expanded Diversity.esp
  52. Convenient Horses.esp
  53. Convenient Horses- Faster Sprin.esp
  54. dD Enhanced Blood Main.esp
  55. dD-DG-DB- Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp
  56. EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
  57. ELFX-Moonpath.esp
  58. ELFX-Dawnguard.esp
  59. ELFX-Dragonborn.esp
  60. CinematicFireFX.esp
  61. ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard Patch.esp
  62. ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn Patch.esp
  63. Supreme Storms –Cot Version.esp
  64. CoT WeatherpPatch.esp
  65. CoT-WeatherPatch DB.esp
  66. CoT WeatherPatch_Snow 40.esp
  67. CoT WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp
  68. CoT_WeatherPatch_NL3.esp
  69. ELFXEnhancer.esp
  70. TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
  71. The Eyes Of Beauty-Elves Edition.esp
  72. UFO- Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
  73. UFO- Dragonborn AddOn.esp
  74. RealisticWaterTwo.esp
  75. RealisticWaterTwo-Legendary.esp
  76. RealisticWaterTwo-Wyrmstooth.esp
  77. RealisticWaterTwo-Waves-Wyrmstooth.esp
  78. RealisticWaterTwo-Falskaar.esp
  79. RealisticWaterTwo-Waves-Falskaar.esp
  80. SkyFalls+ SkyMills +DG + DB + FS + WT.esp
  81. SkyFalls DB + FS Small Waterfalls.esp
  82. Watercooler for ENB RWT.esp
  83. Whiterun spruce by revan 1199.esp
  84. Perfect Whiterun outside distric by ReVan1199.esp
  85. mjhKhajiitSpeak.esp
  86. mjhKhajiitSpeakDLC-Dawnguard.esp
  87. mjhKhajiitDLC-Hearthfire.esp
  88. mjhKhajiitDLC-Dragonborn.esp
  89. mjhKhajiitSpeakMod-NPC Bartering.esp
  90. mjhKhajiitSpeakMod-Convenient Horses.esp
  91. mjhKhajiitSpeakMod- The Paarthurmax Dilemma.esp
  92. mjhKhajiitSpeakMod-Moonpath.esp


Here is my build:



CPU: I5-4670K

RAM: 8 GB DDR3 1600

MB: Asus Z-87 Plus

Monitor: 23 inch at 1080p



I know I made a mistake(s) when I downloaded these mods. Let me know where I made an error and how I can fix these issues. Thanks.


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I am not sure what happened with my original install but I decided to re-install the Realvision ENB mod to see if that would help, and remove the AA. The FPS increased to about 60 average this time. I am not sure what I did earlier but the color is much more saturated from before (maybe a little too saturated for my tastes). However, the wagon still spins if I take a sneak peek at the intro. I am not sure how to fix that:




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Hello friend, I started modding myself few days ago I did not try Skyrim for over a year and I decided few days ago to purchase the Legendary Edition of this lovely game and test the the power of my rig.


GTX 780 Overclocked,

i7 4770k,


240GB EVO SSD - Purchased it for Skyrim+ it mods.


The first day I did run into many issues after randomly installing mods left and right and expected it all to work well together.


This is what I've learned so far when it comes to modding and to get your mods running without conflicts there are 2 golden steps you need to make sure you followed and fully understand.


Patching - Known incompatibilities for certain mods you installed, And where to get the patch for a workaround if there are one available.


LoadOrder - Knowing how your Loading order should look, Best advice would be to install BOSS and let it sort it out for you once you installed them all it will usually give you information on how/why your game is CTD'ing, If it does not CTD it can still give you information on where to get compatibility patches for certain mods. Also make sure to read the Mod description for loadorder advices and double check ur BOSS's loadorder so everything is set correctly.


It is also important to know what could cause conflicts, Example would be:

I install Audio Overhaul Skyrim - As my Audio mod and i find this other good audio mod called Sounds of Skyrim. This is where I'm thinking, 2 Audio mods. There MUST be a conflict somewhere. So i go into the mod description / comment section of both mods author's site to see if there could be a conflict between them.


You need to think logically always when installing new mods.


Audio + Audio mod = Conflict, most of the time as an example.

Texture + Audio mod = Works, there is noway a texture based mod would conflict with audio for example.


I'm going to give you a few very basic adviced to get ur skyrim to look beutiful and compatible with the mods you want to run.


1. Read the Mod Author's description, on each on of all the mods it will save you A lot of time and troubleshooting will be much easier. Most of the time it is very well explained with known Compatibility/Incompatibility mods and they usually direct you to patches or other way to get a workaround. Getting mods to work flawlessly together is a pain and by not reading the description will give you many problems and it will be very hard to track down all ur issues at once.


2. Install mods carefully and organized, by this I mean it would be smart to install ur mods in a more organized way using NMM.


Example: When I installed all my mods i went step by step installing them all using Nexus Mod Manager.


STEP 1 - I started with Unofficial patches - Which fixes tons of bugs for all the DLC's + Skyrim.


STEP 2 - I then continued to my Graphics mods - The mods that make my skyrim better looking (Weather mods, Lightning mods, Texture mods, Flora mods, Water mods) + All its compatibility patches by reading mod descriptions.


STEP 3 - I then installed major Gameplay mods - The mods that improve my gameplay and makes it tons more fun (Frostfall, SkyRe) + All its compatibility patches by reading mod descriptions.


STEP 4 - I then installed Personal MUST have mods - Mods that is a must have mods for me personally, (Auto Unequip Ammo, Duel sheath redux, Wet and cold, Run for your lives, Footprints, Deadly Dragons, Realistic Humanoid Running Speed, XP32's Animation mod, Skyfalls and Skymills Enhanced Blood Textures and such + All its compatibility patches by reading mod descriptions.


Step 5 - This is where I started installing Armor/Weapon mods such as Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons, Winter is Coming + All its compatibility patches by reading mod descriptions.


Step 6 - I started installing NPC mods - that increase my social experience/immersion by adding more NPCs to the world of skyrim (Inconseqential NPC's, Immersive Patrols, ... etc)


Step 7 - Here is where i installed my Audio mod - Only stick to 1 audio mod or you will run into trouble (Audio overhaul for Skyrim 2) I STRONGLY recommend it. + All its compatibility patches by reading mod descriptions.


Step 8 - Here is the most important part and should ONLY be done AFTER you installed all other mods if ur using SkyRe, Dual Sheath Redux etc. Use the ReProccer to located in ur "Skyrim/Data/Skyproc Patchers" folder.


Step 9 - This is where i installed my ENB - RealVision same as you.


Step 10 - Okey the installation process are completed, Now to finish it all off CLOSE YOUR NEXUS MOD MANAGER, Open BOSS And SORT UR LOAD ORDER!!! then double check so everything is correct.


This is the result of days of modding (WELL WORTH IT):




And here are some photos:








FULL ALBUM: http://imgur.com/a/r3Nat




I run my game with DxTory to cap my FPS to 60 for the stupid engine not to flip out on me, and i lowered my screen hz from 144 down to 60 to avoid Ghosting while capping fps.


I got stable 60 FPS with NO FPS drop because I'm running preformance version of few mods and ENB preset. My game looks amazing and runs incredible smooth even tho I did not max out the graphics.


I did try to maximize it with FULL preset from RealVision and HD FULL textures and my fps were around 40-50 fps but my GPU usage went up to 99% which is not recommended to play with but it was fun to try the power of my GFX:)


If ur interested in my mod setup i'll link it below :smile:


This is my LOAD ORDER:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
Better Dynamic Snow.esp
AOS2_DGDB_USKP Patch.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
Dual Sheath Redux.esp
Immersive Battles.esp
Immersive Brigands.esp
Immersive Dawnguard.esp
Immersive Dragonborn.esp
Immersive Mercenaries.esp
Immersive Patrols.esp
Immersive Travelers.esp
WetandCold - Ashes.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
AOS_SkyRe Patch.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
Distant DetailHF.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
AOS_EBT Patch.esp
ELFX - Dawnguard.esp
ELFX - Dragonborn.esp
SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
AOS_WetandCold Patch.esp
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
Pre ReProccer WAFR IA7 IW Patch.esp
Post ReProccer Fixes IA7 IW Patch.esp



Unofficial Patches

  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

World Environment

  • RealVision ENB - [Preset: Atmospheric, Performance]

  • Enhanced Lightning and FX - with Enhancer

  • Enhanced Lightning and FX - Dragonborn/Dawnguard Patch

  • Climates of Tamriel

  • Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch

  • Climates of Tamriel - Dawnguard/Dragonborn Patch

  • Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - LITE Towns

  • Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - LITE Riften

  • Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - LITE Landscape

  • Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - LITE Misc

  • Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - LITE Dungeons

  • Footprints

  • Better Dynamic Snow

  • Wet and Cold

  • Lush Trees and Grass

  • Realistic Water Two

  • Skyfalls and Skymills

  • Distant Detail - Hearthfire Edition


  • Winter is Coming

  • Immersive Armors

  • Immersive Weapons

Animations / Aesthetic / MUST HAVE mods

  • Auto Unequip Ammo
  • Dual Sheath Redux
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Frostfall Patch
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Immersive Armors Patch
  • Dual Sheath Redux - SkyRe Patch
  • XP32 Maximum Skeleton

  • Enhanced Blood Textures

  • Enhanced Blood Textures - Dragonborn/Dawnguard Patch

  • Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed

  • Run For Your Lives

  • SkyUi


  • Skyrim Redone - SkyRe
  • Frostfall - Hypothemia Camping Survival

  • Deadly Dragons

  • Immersive Patrols

  • Interesting NPCs

  • Inconsequential NPCs

  • Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade - with Dawnguard/Dragonborn


  • Audio Overhaul Skyrim
  • Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Dragonborn/Dawnguard/Unofficial Patches
  • Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Climates of Tamriel Patch

  • Audio Overhaul Skyrim - SkyRe Patch

  • Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Enhanced Blood Textures Patch

  • Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Wet and Cold Patch


This is my guide on how I modded my skyrim, I started modding 3 days ago and now i can finally start playing :smile:


I had no experience what so ever before i began modding and i know it takes a lot of reading, basic knowledge & patience to get it all to work together!


Anyway good luck with ur modding even though I did not give you the answers you were looking for but you know the saying...


"...Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime..." - Hope you understand :smile:

If you need help with anything simply ask and I'll try to help you.

Edited by Nyndra
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Thank you for your response. I will answer your question to the best of my ability in my sleepy state.


I used the RealVision ENB lists of "recommended mods" and "essential mods" in-order as instructed by the author himself. Any extra graphics/texture mods were added afterwards or earlier as instructed by any of the mods on those lists. The other mods were later added to Nexus Mod Manager and I let BOSS sort out the files. I used TES5Edit to discover the source of several crashes when I launched the game.


I did spend time reading the descriptions of each mod before I selected which mods to install. It is quite clear to me that despite my efforts I misread at least one of the descriptions or at least one of the steps. My short-term memory is below-average so that is likely why I have had issues with the graphics so far. With around 100 mods/plugins installed I fault myself.


I am not sure if I have my mods working at their full potential but I am now around 60 FPS after I re-checked, re-organized, and re-downloaded several mods after re-reading the instructions again. The last 3 images show my efforts at fixing my problem. I did however switch from Fantasy Option C Performance to Atmospheric Option B Performance. The colors are less saturated in my opinion.


Since I am using an IPS 1080p monitor my screenshots will look different from yours since you are using a 144hz monitor, which I assume is at 1200p or 1440p? It seems like you are running Skyrim on a larger monitor than I am. Maybe it is my drowsiness but I was unable to locate the Skyrim/Data/Skyproc Patchers in my files currently. I will check for it again later.


How is the mod Immersive Patrols working for your game? I was interested in it but I heard some issues with the mod from other users. I have been looking for any quality audio mods that enhance the sound with realism so it would work well my DT-990s and my SBZ.


I am sorry if I was unable to answer all your questions. I need to sleep. :sleep:

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My monitor is a 1080p, 24" 144hz. But im playing Skyrim with 60hz.

Make sure ur Digital Vibrance in NVIDIA->Adjust Desktop and Color Settings are set to 50% if you want better colors just increase it. http://i.imgur.com/UzRqHgn.png


Also remember to put Depth of Field on (it does not come with performance presets) by Pressing Shift+Enter while ingame under EFFECTs for a better looking image you can also test different options if your not fully satisfied.


And follow this guide IF you did not see it:





Taken from RealVision's Description.

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Ah, I see. I believe I have made those changes in Nvidia Control Panel earlier (I do not have Digital Vibrance but Saturation instead). I have disabled DOF for now as I believe it makes a small FPS hit while loading into new areas. I might add it on later if I am able to have a stable FPS with it activated.


With Shadowplay I was able to record a video of my current settings with these mods. I am not an expert with graphics so once I upload the video, let me know if you see anything out of place or not working.

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OP just saying your load order looks all janked up. you should NOT have ESP's mixed With ESM's load order should have ALL ESM's loaded first then ESP's next. unofficial pactches should be in the esp section under ESM's NOT MIXED WITH THE ESM's.










(any other ESM's)

then the Unofficial patch esp's in order at the top of the ESP section

then any other ESP's in their corisponding load order



As Referance here's mine



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  On 4/12/2014 at 1:37 PM, Nyndra said:

I decided few days ago to purchase the Legendary Edition of this lovely game and test the the power of my rig.


GTX 780 Overclocked,

i7 4770k,


240GB EVO SSD - Purchased it for Skyrim+ it mods.



that rig should Rape skyrim ENB with every mod out there running ultra high.



i personally am useing


AMD FX 8350 8 core OC to 4.8GHZ

16 GB gskill Ripjaws Ram OC to 2400

3 SLI EVGA GTX 770 Classified 4GB (total of 12GB vram) all three Overclocked and liquid Cooled

1TB SSD for ALL my games

250GB SSD Boot

and 2TB Conventional For Data


I world Recomend Skyrim 4GB which removes the Vram Cap from Skyrim and will allow for smoother gameplay and higher FPS while at or over Vram Cap.


skyrim Caps Vram at 2GB once hit the game will crash Skyrim 4GB removes that and for me alllows me to use up to 4GB vram which is a lot of Mods ENB's Will Run 10X smoother on high end systems with this patch




that patch should solve some of the Low FPS issues in a high demand mod setup. before that patch i was running at about 1.95GB vram and about 10FPS and Constant CTD. since the patch my FPS have gone into the 100's and my Vram Consumtion is now at about 3.5GB allowing me More Mods and a stronger ENB


Skyrim 4GB will definately Unlock the Potential of a High end PC. i am running 12 GB vram Total there is not a game on the market that runs that high BUT it's nice to have the extra Vram to allow 5760X1080 on all my games and still support all 6 monitors at 1080p

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  On 4/13/2014 at 8:40 PM, wolfpack91 said:

OP just saying your load order looks all janked up. you should NOT have ESP's mixed With ESM's load order should have ALL ESM's loaded first then ESP's next. unofficial pactches should be in the esp section under ESM's NOT MIXED WITH THE ESM's.










(any other ESM's)

then the Unofficial patch esp's in order at the top of the ESP section

then any other ESP's in their corisponding load order



As Referance here's mine



  Reveal hidden contents



Really? I thought the unofficial patches should be placed just below their corresponding esm file. It is the BOSS software that is assigning the load order for my files. BOSS was highly recommended by many other users. Is it possible that BOSS is not working properly on my computer?


I wish I was not a newb in this whole process. It is tedious trying to figure out modding for this game.


BTW, the author of that mod you mentioned said the mod is no longer needed as Bethesda patched the game to allow our high-end computers to use more ram.

Edited by Guest
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