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Question: Possibility of Randomly Generated Content


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I'm considering trying to make a mod, but wanted to run it by a few people to make sure it was even feasible given Fallout 3's modding tools. I'm currently pretty bored of FO3, as, after playing it enough, the landscape is too familiar - it stopped being exciting to walk around the next building or reach the top of the next hill because I already knew what i would find there.


Thus, I'm seeking to create a mod that would randomly generate terrain, buildings, enemies, loot, etc.. However, while I'm familiar with some programing, I've yet to actually attempt modding FO3. So, I ask, is such a thing even possible given the constraints of FO3's modding tools?

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well, as you should know, there is no random in computers, but that aside, i would call this pretty impossible.


and even if you manage to do this somehow, it would result in garbage. you'd have doors in mountains, npc's underwater etc.


I'm not even sure if the geck even provides a random function, you'd prolly have to script one just so you can call a random comand.

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I'm not here to say that it couldn't be done, but it would be tough to manage, and something to put on your C.V. if you can pull it off.

There are already semi-random mechanics in the game for enemies and loot. It uses a leveled list and generates depending on the player's level when he loads the cell.


As to terrain generating, the tools in the GECK are pretty buggy as it stands with manual external terrain. Interiors might work a bit easier, but it would take some real doing.

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