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Building Furniture Of Gold In My Yurt


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I made an ashlander character who likes to be on his own. So he makes furniture of gold in a portable yurt (mod) which unfortunately didn't have any furniture at all. Plain empty. There is now a small table made of gold coins (which is pretty with the reflective coins mod i downloaded as well). I was also making a candlestick existing of 3 parts. You know, the ones with 3 candles, one to the left, on to the right and one in the middle. But while building i looked at it and thought: "hey, i can make a sword of this!" So i did. Now i have a sword, it's not really sharp but it looks OK. :)


But i don't know what to make next. I could do a chair, but i don't feel like doing a chair at the moment. So could anyone give me some ideas? Remember that i can do anything with the coins, but i can't place them on their sides. And i'm in a yurt, which is a small tent of the ashlanders so no golden forts or something. And nothing too complicated, i'm not going to make a true (or even small) scale statue of a dunmer, or vivec's face. So just Furniture recommended, but just post all the ideas you got ;)


EDIT: Screenshots ;) http://photobucket.com/albums/b120/iamerik...creenShot16.jpg

Don't mind the dead alit, i was playing with the setscale console command.

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Building furniture out of coins eh? Now that's something I wouldn't mind seeing. ^^ Unfortunately the link you provided just gives out a 404 error.


As for ideas, hmm... coatrack? A sofa? Footstool? :P

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how about a golden toilet, morrowind needs toilets..............or how about one of the two door closets they use in the game (but personally i think the toilet is the best idea
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That toilet will be hard, maybe i'l do it, but not right now.

I'm now making a.. god how do you call that, it's like 2 tables on top of each other, so you can place something in it and something on top of it. Why do i always forget the easy words? When you tell me the word i will remember for sure :P

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That toilet will be hard, maybe i'l do it, but not right now.

I'm now making a.. god how do you call that, it's like 2 tables on top of each other, so you can place something in it and something on top of it. Why do i always forget the easy words? When you tell me the word i will remember for sure :P


Coffee tables are usually like that.

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now can you use jewels also or is it strictly gold? Because i think it would be neat to make like a jewel encrusted custom mage staff...and probably not as time consuming
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