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One More On Enchanting!


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When i try to enchant one of my items i dont have any magic effects to add. In my manual it says that i can use some of the effects i`ve learned. But of course I havent learned anything about magic.


So my qestion is how do i learn this magic effects?

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Go to the local Mages Guild and speak with the members there. Some of them will have the option called "Spells". Click on it. A list of spells they know will pop up, and the prices for teaching them to you. You need only learn one spell of a particular type for all the options for that type under enchanting to pop up. So learn a simple fire spell, like Fire Bite, and you can do everything you want with fire in the enchant menu. So you don't need to buy a spell of magnitude equal to the enchant effect you want.


There's a list of all the spell merchants, the types of spells they sell and where, but, since this isn't in Spoilers I won't post it. :P

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Thanks dude :D


I have run across many NPC with the spells button, but never used one. I`ve allways play with my swords :D


I dont want to make this game more easy, so I wouldent used the list anyway.... Just learning the magic poo so i can teatch a little while waiting for oblivion :P . Yeah

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