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I had an invisibilty/levitation spell made so I could levitate invisible and not be attacked in mid-air by those annoying cliff racers. I thought I had a great spell until I tried to use it and it didnt work because I didnt have enough magicka to cast it. When I looked at my spell list I saw the problem immediately. It has a cost of 390 with 0 chance. My current magicka level is 96 or something like that.


Good god! Will I ever have enough magicka to cast this spell?


I'm sure those of you who are more experienced at spellmaking are having a good laugh. Yes, even though I'm playing MW for the second time I'm new to this aspect. I was lazy the first time I played. Never got into alchemy or armory, either. So I'm trying new things this time around.

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Just buy scrolls of windform - they do exactly what you're looking for for a few hundred drakes. There's a more expensive version too (I've forgotten what it's called) that costs around 1200 drakes for the same effect.


A breton with the sign of the atronauch and a high intelligence could cast it. but you'll need a high alteration/illusion to get a decent chance to cast it (yours says 0% chance to cast simply because you don't have the magicka for it)

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Try making the levitation and invisibility times shorter, that will throw the cast cost down a bit.


Can this be done once the spell has been made, or are you suggesting I make a new spell?


Vaanic is suggesting you make a new spell. It probably cost a fortune so that's not very practical. You have to pay attention to the details when making a spell. It tells you the casting cost and chance to cast when you make it. You can use fortify magicka potions to get enough magicka to cast it. But you'll need alot. I suggest raising your intelligence and alteration/illusion skills to get a higher chance to cast it (even if you have enough mana from fortify magicka potions, you need a high enough skill level to cast it - and with a casting cost that high, it probably requires significant skill)

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I hope this post is considered relavent because the title is spellmaking but I'll be honost I've been running through this game by chopping people up. I'm still pretty lame when it comes to magika i bought some spells that i thought sounded pretty cool and i keep spending cash to add ability to the diffrent types but most of them i have a btter chance of Angelina Jolie leaving Brad Pitt for me than a succesful cast.
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