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Skyrim Stutter in First Person (Jitter) but always 60fps


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Hi guys,


I have never been able to play Skyrim without stutter. Whenever i play in first person, the game is stuttering when moving the mouse on the vertical axis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0GFMHpNvlA

In that video you can see my problem. This happens with and without mods, on ultra and on low settings. This problem occures only in Skyrim, not in Oblivion, FNV or FO3.


My system:

Intel core i7 3770 @ 3,4 Ghz

16gb corsair vengeance

a gigabyte motherboard (LGA 1155, SATA3, pci3.0)

EVGA gtx 760 sc acx

Windows 7 64bit

2 TB HDD and 128 GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD (Skyrim is on the SSD)


What I've tried to fix the problem:

1. Disabled mouseacceleration in Skyrim

2. iPresentInterval=0 and 1 in SkyrimPrefs.

3. Limit FPS to 30, 40, 50, 59 and 60 using FPS Limiter and also Dxtory

4. Played with the mouseYheadingscale setting

5. Tried using Enb (Enboost) and WaitBusyRenderer=true


7. Skyrim Multithreading tweaks (http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/tweak_guide.htm)


I don't know what to try next. Could you please help me to fix that problem?


Thank you

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Fyi Skyrim multi threading tweaks do nothing.


As for the stutter I really don't see anything wrong in those vids, a tiny bit 'jittery' but nothing game breaking.


Try changing your mouse.

Edited by vlaka
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I have already tried a mouse with 1000 dpi, 2000 dpi and 4200 dpi. All of them have the same problem.

I don't think it is the graphics card. For the multi threading tweaks: Is this complete article obsolete? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/1153/?




Read this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244/?


ALSO in regards to your mouse problem this may help: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/120041-13-skyrim-mouse

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Tried both - Nothing.


That is quite sad as I have no issues with other games. (even with other Bethesda titles)


I have changed everything in my computer except the mainboard (and CPU, but I doubt that the i7 is the problem) (even tried another display ).


Do you think if I buy a new mainboard there are chances that the problem is gone?




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Wow you have it bad in that video, yes, as someone that has had that in the past i can see it NO problem...its like running the camera down a gear...notch by notch. Click by click...lol


Things to make sure are set /unset.


Frames to render ahead = 0

Turn off Vsync and force FPS cap some other way. (try Adaptive Half Refresh rate)

Turn off all AA and AF in the game launcher panel, if not using an ENB force from the Video card drivers instead.

IF using an ENB, things to turn off to test...

Soft Shadows

Soft Particles


Sub Pixel AA



Make sure your Drivers are NOT adding AO (Ambient Occlusion) as ENB adds that also. Also check if DOF is enabled in the game launcher (try with on and off).

Could not say for sure when i got rid of it , but when you have it, it will make you nauseous. I had it as bad as you do now.....Good luck.


EDIT: Try the game with NEW ini files, Fresh unchanged INI files and my game plays smooth with 200+mods and loading the GPU to 2.8 GB VRAM.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Thanks, I will try it out


EDIT: Did everything you told me - same problem.

With and without enb and also with new INIs


I'm so angry now that I want to throw my computer out of the window :D I don't see the reason why this keeps happening (My friend has a similar setup and NO problems)

It is very likely that it is just an overlooked setting :sad:


EDIT: Did you make any hardware changes to get rid of the issue? Please note that this does not occure when I have sheathed my weapons (or I at least don't see it) or in third person.

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Hardware changes no..changes to software yes..IE: turning off settings in Nvidia Inspector..


Using Nvidia inspector i have ...turned OFF all AA / AF / AO Turned render ahead to 0 , (basically everything set to Game controlled) then everything OFF for the game..lol

In Game launcher turned OFF all AA/ AF / no FXAA


Monitor refresh rate is set to 100 Hz and Nividia Inspector set to "1/3 refresh rate" (nets me 33 FPS).


Using ENB (latest 254) With a Serenity preset. This gives you AA /AF / AO / DOF <<<all the goodies.


NO mouse accel, but otherwise pure vanilla INI files.(see spoiler) My mouse has Polling Rate at 1000 and speed at 2400 Razer DeathAdder. (no accel in the Razer software either).


You have a really powerful GPU you could try going to the other extreme...over load it...use the Profile (TESV.exe) in Inspector to ..

Turn render ahead up to 4, Turn on Triple buffering, Turn AA and AF on , Adaptive Refresh @ 1/2 RES


Something smoothed it out ...wish i had the definitive answer, When i first installed, i had it bad...at some point it was better...now it is virtually gone. Just checked in game again and with any weapon, even a bow its not their anymore.?


EDIT: Things i have changed in the Skyrimprefs.ini






Edited by camaro_69_327
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