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Bedroll Mods and Hungry/Thirsty/Sleepy


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Could anyone tell me if any of the bedroll mods are compatible with Tyler's Hungry/Thirsty/Sleepy mod? It won't let me pick up a bed roll as it interferes with resting etc (as stated in the bedroll mod readme - any mod that messes with resting and fatigue will stop the bedroll mod working. BOSS also says they are incompatible).




If I disable Hungry/Thirsty Sleepy before starting the game and *then* pick up a bedroll, save, quit, re-enable Tyler's mod and then use the bedroll, it works and lets me pick it up again. But now I don't collapse from exhaustion when fatigue drops to zero after running a few yards.


Is there anything I can do? I can't believe you have to find an inn in Oblivion, with all that Wilderness. Even Morrowind lets you sleep outside town without a bedroll. EVen Daggerfall let you sleep in the woods. Hell, Even Pagan Ultima VIII had a protable bed roll for resting.



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