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Save The Internet!!!


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http://www.savetheinternet.com/ Basically, In America, The People Who Provide the internet want to make it to where sites like this, Take 1 Year To load While Advertising Sites Are There Before You Type It In... :whistling: WHY? So They Can Line There Pockets With Even MORE Cash They Don't Need... :wallbash: https://secure.freepress.net/site/Donation2?df_id=2340&2340.donation=form1&JServSessionIdr003=xit5p4sg32.app46b And No, You Don't Have To Make A Donation, I Didn't...
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http://www.savetheinternet.com/ Basically, In America, The People Who Provide the internet want to make it to where sites like this, Take 1 Year To load While Advertising Sites Are There Before You Type It In... :whistling: WHY? So They Can Line There Pockets With Even MORE Cash They Don't Need... :wallbash: https://secure.freepress.net/site/Donation2?df_id=2340&2340.donation=form1&JServSessionIdr003=xit5p4sg32.app46b And No, You Don't Have To Make A Donation, I Didn't...







Donation Site


Haven't noticed that problem too much in Canada.

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Honestly, Time Warner Cable will try and fight this, watch. Those jerks...they have a damn monopoly on this area of Wisconsin....they are the only company you can get internet without a contract...and it's reasonably cheap. But, I have NEVER had a good experience with them. Of the years I've dealt with them....they installed the incorrect drivers a computer and completely screwed it up (had to reformat...), incorrectly installed a wireless card, lied flat out to my grandma, and countless times I've gotten the nastiest tech support person ever. I can so see them trying to get rid of net neutrality. Their internet already drags down to dial up on peak hours....and they are considering charging like a cell phone. Use up your bandwidth, get charged 10 cents a MB after that......BS! I guess they realize how much bandwidth online games take up....grr...I hate Time Warner lol...


I'm happy paying $20 more for my DSL...my company actually treats you like a person and they completely support net neutrality :)

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Honestly, Time Warner Cable will try and fight this, watch. Those jerks...they have a damn monopoly on this area of Wisconsin....they are the only company you can get internet without a contract...and it's reasonably cheap. But, I have NEVER had a good experience with them. Of the years I've dealt with them....they installed the incorrect drivers a computer and completely screwed it up (had to reformat...), incorrectly installed a wireless card, lied flat out to my grandma, and countless times I've gotten the nastiest tech support person ever. I can so see them trying to get rid of net neutrality. Their internet already drags down to dial up on peak hours....and they are considering charging like a cell phone. Use up your bandwidth, get charged 10 cents a MB after that......BS! I guess they realize how much bandwidth online games take up....grr...I hate Time Warner lol...


I'm happy paying $20 more for my DSL...my company actually treats you like a person and they completely support net neutrality :)


This is a discussion as old as the service industry itself in 2 ways:

a) There are 2 levels of service available. One is reasonably priced but is of unreasonable of quality. This represents not net neutral companies. The other is reasonable in terms of quality but unreasonably priced. This represents net neutral companies. Problem is, nobody likes to choose between reasonable price and reasonable quality. Several things can happen. The service of the reasonably priced can get continually worse until the price of the service with reasonable quality becomes reasonable by comparison. The service with reasonable quality can get cheaper because of some improvement. The reasonably priced service can improve its quality. Since 2/3 of those possibilities favor the one that is reasonable in terms of quality, Time Warner's Future isn't looking so sunny.

b) If you follow the first of Sharkull's links, you'll read the phrase "times of congestion". This is a problem waterworks and hydroelectric companies have been dealing with since day 1. Sometimes events will cause peak usage that are unusual in its hours and its magnitude. An example is a big sports event being broadcast live: almost everyone will be running a television at the same time, and almost everyone will be using the bathroom between periods, wreaking havoc on both the electrical grid and the city plumbing. And I'm sure we all remember the North American blackout we had a few summers ago. Solutions to this sort of problem with any degree of complexity greater than 'MOAR CAPACITY!!!!!!' are really, really clever. That DPI they mentioned in the article seemed a good candidate.

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Honestly, Time Warner Cable will try and fight this, watch. Those jerks...they have a damn monopoly on this area of Wisconsin....they are the only company you can get internet without a contract...and it's reasonably cheap. But, I have NEVER had a good experience with them. Of the years I've dealt with them....they installed the incorrect drivers a computer and completely screwed it up (had to reformat...), incorrectly installed a wireless card, lied flat out to my grandma, and countless times I've gotten the nastiest tech support person ever. I can so see them trying to get rid of net neutrality. Their internet already drags down to dial up on peak hours....and they are considering charging like a cell phone. Use up your bandwidth, get charged 10 cents a MB after that......BS! I guess they realize how much bandwidth online games take up....grr...I hate Time Warner lol...


I'm happy paying $20 more for my DSL...my company actually treats you like a person and they completely support net neutrality :)


I Hope You Mean They Support The Net Neutrality Act And Not The Freedom Of Internet Act... :mellow:

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I called them not too long ago to make some changes to my phone with them and asked them on their stance about this whole situation. They are their own company, but I believe they sub contract with AT&T and local internet installers to just do the installations (most of the time they just give you the router and say go at it, but they ask you first if you know how to install one.)


The rep told me that they support a free and open internet with no restrictions. That's all they told me lol.


TWC fails so hard....just recently they changed all their channels around and expect people to pay now for The Science Channel...ok you don't take away my friggan Science Channel....I don't have cable personally, the interent is my TV, but I watch shows on Sunday at my mother-in-law's house and when I saw no Science Channel for the $65 a month she's paying for PREMIUM digital cable, well that just ruined my day...and just made me hate them even more lol. If they are that much of a bunch of jerks to take away an educational channel and make you pay $8 more a month, then they would be the first to start restricting internet access...


I can understand limitations in times of heavy congestion, but maybe they shouldn't have such a stranglehold on NE Wisconsin like they do. They have too many customers now and can't keep up...their cable itself likes to "digital lag" and freeze up your cable box on Sundays I've noticed (when everybody is watching football), but they do offer the cheapest plan with no 2 year contract, and a lot of people want that. But maybe AT&T should drop their 2 year contract with the $150 early termination fee and they'd get a heck of a lot more people I think.

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ROFL It's Not A Problem Of Open Internet, It's A Problem Of Having Them Put A Price Tag On How Long We Stay On, And Of What Site Is Willing To Pay The Most To Have Their Site Load Faster While Other More Neutral Sites Take Months To Load. It's Like They Would Turn The Internet Into Minutes Like They Did The Phone.... Only To Have It Backfire Badly...
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