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Errr... this may sound like a strange request....


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Anyone know if anyone has made a nord face mod with one eye, the other one with a patch, dirty blond hair and beard?


The reason i ask is that im trying to recreate one of my character from a pen and pencil rpg called Ars Magicka.


This character is a norse berserker, worshipper of the Aesir and simply the best and most memorable character i have ever played.


Yes, i could just use one of the standard faces or Astarsis faces, but they all have two eyes. Sick! :blink:


The one eye thing is very important since he ripped it out himself in a ritual to show his devotion the the Aesir.


So if anyone has seen a one eye mod, please give me a note. Or even better, if a kind person would make such a face for me i would be deeply grateful. Can't do it myself, since im hopless with such things...


Help me ......., your my only hope.

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lol yeah


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as for ur request, the only face mods i know of are astarsis, only some nifty tattoos there. tho theres probably others if u search around morrowind source or other mod sites.

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Cough, Odin.


Yep, good old Odin. :D I have great interest in norse mytholgy.




um you got 3dmax do you if you do edit your self


That,s the problem, i don't have 3dmax and i suck with such programs.




So if anyone knows if such a mod excist or is willing to help me i would greatly appreciate.

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Thanks mate, i'll certainly use that one if i don't find a one eye edition. :)


Hmmm... no beard, if i use this face it will have to be a young version of Lord Eirik Nedhogr's Bane. Before he set out on his epic adventures.



In the rpg he is getting into his early 50ts. He's a huge man standing over 2,1 tall, bulging muscles, blond hair turning gray, weather worn face and battle scarred, blue eye, the other one haves a patch over it.


His body is covered in a pitch black scale armor made of the scales of the wyrm Nedhogr which he slayed with a very lucky blow during his first adventures. Carrying a rune covered battle axe and a round shild and a long sword as an extra weapon. Around his neck hangs a Tors hammer of gold.

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