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Wasteland real estate agency


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I saw many good hous mods, tried some of them, they were good, but something was missing.


I have some ideas to make the house mods more realistyc.

So you installed seweral house mods, but the you only needed a key from a box/shelf/etc...

First of all, the Wastelans Real Estate Agency (W.R.E.A.)

It could be somwhere in DC, maybe at an abonded building or something, probably needed a quest to get there.

You have to pay heavy caps for the houses (cheapest : 2000, most expensive : arround 5500-6000 or a bit higher)


Method :

-You install some house mods

-The houses appear on the list of the W.R.E.A. (maybe with FOSE)

-You buy one house

-It dissapears from the list


List of mods that could be in the list and the amount of caps to pay for them :


-Megaton house (2000 caps)

-Tenpeny suite (3000 caps)

-Andale Cape house (4000 caps) Author : MrMcGee

-Arefu house (2000 caps) Author : chevyordeath

-Chrashed airplane player house (2500 caps) Author : Nykus79

-The Lakehouse (3000 caps) Author : Andy



There were more, but I think they got deleted :unsure:


Anyways, if anyone has more ideas (houses in the list) post here. I hope this will not die early :sweat:

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I would make some houses, but I don't do scripts and stuff, just custom meshes and textures...


I think it sounds like a cool idea though


But really, in my opinion, bumping is a waste of time... Because you know, no matter how many people like the idea and no matter how many people bump the idea, NOTHING in the Modification Request Thread ever gets made...





So pretty much, if you want something, learn how to make it yourself. I will even make a deal with you. If you try to make this I will supply you with some custom house exteriors and interiors.
















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I'd love to see a version of this for all buildings, interiors, architecture, road features, etc. Not only player housing but of course including that.


It would make crafting new towns and locales much smoother when it comes to finding features and buildings.


Serious real estate, 'gnome sayin?

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yep, if you want something do it yourself, only way to make sure it gets done.


though to help ya out a bit:


what you will need in the quest stages: player.additem housekeyhouse01 1 (to make it your house)

player.removeitem caps001 amountofcaps


and probably an if function along the lines of this:



short money


begin gamemode player


set money to player.getitemcount caps001

if money >= 2000

showmessagebox realestateoverviewcheap


if money >= 3000

showmessagebox realestateoverviewmedium





or instead of an if function to check if the player has enough money, condition it in the messagebox.


should work like this:

make a new quest(don't use setobjectivedisplayed or it will show up as an active quest)

set a stage for each house


make a new messagebox, listing every house and its value

and for the conditions go with getitemcount caps001 >= whatever that place is worth

and something like getitemcount housekey01 == 0 (this way you can make sure you can't buy the same place over and over again, once you buy a house, add the key, since getitemcount then returns 1, the option to buy this house will no longer showup)

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