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Multi directional movement


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I'd like to play fallout 3 in third person but the the fact that multdirectional movement animation wasn't added into the game is incredible stupid on bethseda's part. :wallbash:

that's why it would be cool for someone to do a mod that adds animation for all 4 diagonal movements (right diagonal fwd and backwd and left diagonal fwd and backwd) :thanks:

thank you

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this has been talked about quite a bit i think...

the reason why this hasn't been done yet is because the animations for each direction are hardcoded and i don't think its possible to add new animations for running without overwriting the existing ones.


its probably not possible to use idle animations and create a script that automatically plays them depending on which direction youre heading in, because the normal running animations have a higher priority and would prevent those animations from beeing played.


however i've been thinking about this because its one of the most annoying things about fallout.

(to me at least)


theoretically you wouldn't really need any new animations,if you had a script that would just rotate the whole model by 45° to the left or right and make sure that the direction you're heading in doesn't rotate as well.


i would be extreeeeeemly thankful if anyone with enough scripting experience would shed some light on wheter that could be a possible approach, or not.

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