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Furry Race Mod

Gaikotsu Akunin

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ok what I MEANT to say was, ON THE INTERNET not IRL. I didn't mean racism in that harsh way if anyone got offended. Also, being furry is WAY different than beastiality. If you do more research on the furry fandom you would see. Beastiality is disgusting and deserves to be shot. That is taking things TOO FAR.


how can you BE a "furry" anyways?

How can you be an emo, jock, prep, etc?


I assumed that when you said "blacks back in the day" you were talking about pre-civil rights movment... :closedeyes:


But I still don't get it... isn't a "furry" part person/part animal or whatever... where as an emo or jock is still 100% human and actually phisically possible... or do I just not understand the definition of "furry" corectly? Or do you go around dressed up like a half animal?

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Yes, furries do wish they were part wolf, fox, w/e, aka anthromorphic beings. Thus alot of the fandom is into roleplaying, which is the fantasy part of it. There is some people who dress up in furry costumes which personally I think is cool, but I'm not willing to shell out over $800 for one or go that far to publically announce I am a fur IRL, because obviously alot of people think it's weird. I don't know what it is but I guess I'm just attracted to this fandom and art because it is drastically different than anything else around, and I'm sick of normal crap. Girls on the other hand in the fandom, doesn't look at it like beastiality because they are most likely furs themselves or dig that type of roleplaying as a specified animal; and in general even. The fandom accepts anyone no matter who you are, be it gay, straight, bi, psycho, weird, w/e, which in todays society does not get along with because of all the stereotypes, hate on diff groups of people, and whatnot.
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I still wonder where all the furries come from, I don't think I've even heard of a furry 10 years ago, now they kinda are all over the place (at least on the internet, IRL its still quite few (at least public)). I think we can blame Japan for that one.


I guess most people don't like furries because of those who take it too f'in far, nobody really cares if you enjoy watching anthromorphics and fantasize about being one, as long as it stops there. But when you then see furry porn (and that in a lot of cases is beastiality) and die hard furries (which probably still wouldn't be that bad, if they wouldn't have a natural talent on being annoying) it gets an reaction which ain't positive.


I myself am gay but I don't run around and tell everyone who doesn't care all about it. if someone asks me, I tell em but thats about it, i don't look stereotypic and most people i know are surprised when they figure it out.


and thats where i guess the problem comes from, one rarely encounters gay porn etc. when one is not actually looking for it, but furry porn tends to show up in places you would not expect it (and let me tell you, I've seen enough furry porn to last me a lifetime without wanting to see it).


and personally I don't have problems with being gay at all, so far i haven't really met anyone IRL who had a big problem with it (though i do live in a country where being gay is completely legal (and same rights are supported by over 60% of the pop.) and actually got better rights than a heterosexual marriage (tax wise))


and now I'll stop cause its late and i forgot what this was all about anyways.

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I don't get the logistics of it. If you're a furry fan, like, wanna touch em, let's make out, kinda furry fan, what's the appeal?


I've seen a badger's snout... I've seen a foxes head. Neither seem pleasent to get my face near.


I mean the tail thing, maybe, yeah, I could be into that, but let's face it, 90% of what you're finding attractive on a furry is the human elements. Why else does the fox have well toned abs or the squirrel have tits? Would you be feeling the same way about one of those guys with the "warewolf" syndrome (hair covering 90% of thier body)?


It's almost as if most furries are trying to make their intense love of animals "okay", but where are they drawing the line?


I mean, okay, you've got a guy, he's chiseled, he's a rebel, he's a bad-boy, whatever. Now he's turning into a warewolf! Hairs growing, he's getting the fangs, face is changing, tail has sprouted, ears are picking up, he's looking Half Man, Half Wolf right now. Transformation complete, he's a full blown wolf now, not human at all, looks like a straight wolf.


Where are you drawing the line there?


ps. Thanks Japan.

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I felt I had to reply to this not only because of the mass of misinformation and fabrications in here, but the idiocy which always seems to be present when furries are discussed in this site. Each and every time one brings up an anthropomorphic race mod, it devolves into a flame-war/troll-festival which only ends in people getting banned.


A Furry is a person whom has an affinity for anthropomorphic and sentient animal-beings. The key here being sentience. Bestiality is where one has sexual attraction to non-sentient animals such as dogs, horses, cats, etc., where a broad defining line in furry is the existence of both the human-like features and sentient intellect, where bestiality lacks the sentience and human-like features.


In addition, even within the furry community, there is a LOT of hatred and drama spread amongst ourselves, often for idiotic reasons which are obviously staged. One example is the mass hate of baby-furs (Adult-Baby/Diaper-Lover furries), which seems to stem from similar prejudices that are used by non-furries against furries (Unfounded accusations of misconduct, misinformation about why they like it, complete lack of knowledge of anything regarding their niche, etc.). In all my life, I've never seen as big of a group of hypocrites as the very group I most identify with (Furries).


And with people like Tyra Banks spreading further misinformation on her TV show, CSI having that horrible Furry episode, and more depravity from the media, it's no wonder why people wrongly judge that which they know nothing about all too harshly.


Rocket Lombax's race mod is my personal favorite, and I wholeheartedly support him all the way through his endeavors. He's even working on more races and a full NPC overhaul.

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Umm... This topic is waaay off err.. topic.


Gaikotsu asked for Furry Mods... Not a conversation on the ups and downs of furries and how much people don't like them. Try continuing this in the Off-Topic section.

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Normal people keep their fetishes and developmental oddities to themselves, they don't try to make their fetishes into anything else, furries believe their fetish is a lifestyle and must announce it to everybody on the internet though their icon or sig.
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