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Clothing that moves and blows in the wind


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I haven't been able to find any mods that do this. Perhaps I am searching the wrong phrases. I tried a variety of phrases.



I have seen a wig mod in which the hair moved when you ran, so I'm thinking the same thing can be done to capes, dresses and the like. Sorry, I forget the name of the mod, but I didn't like it because the hair looked like acrylic paint.


Yet I haven't seen nor heard about this stuff. Is there something in the game that wouldn't allow it to be possible?




I have always wished the various pelts you can find could just be used as capes then and there. It annoyed me that they were just items in your inventory to be sold. :rolleyes:


I thought to myself, since I intend to crack open the CS in a few days when I have some time, why not make that mod myself? Then I got to thinking about animating them.



Tell me if I'm right in my thinking that this could be done:


1. Make the cape mesh in Blender and texture it.

2. Make new joints in Blender and attach/skin/add them to the cape mesh.

3. Weight paint the vertices in Blender.

4. Create animations for walking, running, jumping, swimming, and idle while wind is blowing. Possibly several for each to be chosen at random or based on weather through scripting. (I'm sure it'll require OBSE, as well as help with scripting. :whistling: )

5. In the game, the new joints will be added to the player while they have equiped those clothes.


This seems to be what was done with the hair mod I mentioned. I feel confident in my abilities to do almost all of this, as I have experience with skinning and weight-painting in Maya.


I just want to know if I should forget about it or not. Or if it's been done already.



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Cool. Thanks guys.



So my idea was correct then? Except you don't attach a new skeleton to the clothes, you just have more bones on the regular one and attach the clothes to that. Or not, with some stuff.


Would I just replace the existing skeleton with this one and there would be no problems after that? I take it the joints are labeled the same so the standard skin weighting is unnaffected?



And if I don't like this skeleton, I can just make another one.



What about rag doll physics? I know I should just research it, but i thought I'd ask at least. I'm guessing the other joints are not taken into account?

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