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Borderlands DLC, and etc.


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Just cause I love B Lands, I googled for the lazy people and found that Randy Pitchford already informed Eurogamer that DLC for B Lands was being created before B Lands was finished.. If you've seen Pre-cell shade ( cell shade isnt bad but listen on ) You understand why alot of people at pissed at the fact that they switched.




Oh yeah, flaming midgets and exploding spiders may be included.


Post what you think about borderlands..and any pre-cell-shade pics.

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Pre-Cell Shading it looked like a Mass Effect clone crossed with Firefly/Serenity. With the pseudo cell shading (cos it still retains dynamic lighting, shadowing and so on) it got a whole life of it's own. Though it undoubtedly needs the ability to have mods added as currently it's not quite the RPG it wants to be or the FPS it wishes it was.


The RPG aspects need expansion and better progression/thought. The FPS side is pretty good but Multiplayer needs to be expanded from Co-Op and arenas to a longer more in-depth SP/MP storyline and/or better team fighting or even expand it to clan warfare or something. Currently it's a Diablo-Mass Effect cross in a Firefly scenario which has huge potential but current lack of substance.

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