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Low frame rate with QARL textures 3.0


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You will need to uninstall Qarl's hi-res textures first. ALWAYS uninstall a mod first if you're attempting to overwrite it with something similar, especially since you already get bad framerates with Qarl's; if you didn't uninstall it first you'd only be making things worse. This is why people should be using the OMOD format, and learn to create their own, because it makes uninstalling mods SOOOOOOOOO much easier.


The various parallax packs are divided into Oblivion's different set areas such as:


CITIES: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4350 (there are actually special ones for each of the different cities but you should try this basic city one first to see if you can run it well)


CAVES: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20778 (my favorite, it REALLY makes the caves look more organic)


AYLEID RUINS: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...tail&id=773


SEWERS: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...tail&id=788


PRISONS: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...tail&id=744


See if you can run those and make sure to follow the readme directions closely.


As an alternative, if you find you can run them well, you could later switch to this overhauled one: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=2701



What these mods do:


Parallax mapping is a faked 3D texture effect that shifts parts of the texture image based on the angle you view it from, so as you move past it, items like bricks and grooves appear to move realistically in 3D as they would in real life. But since it's a faked effect it does not look accurate at close angles. Oblivion already used this effect to a degree in certain areas but most players will agree it was not used dynamically enough.


You might think some of it can look overdone or surreal, well if you don't like them you can always uninstall them. For me they have really added a lot of depth to what otherwise are largely flat, kind of lifeless vanilla textures.

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thanky you, thanky you, but qarl textures readme says nothing about and how unisntall is done, unfortunatelly


You should delete all replacement textures and meshes(QTP3 uses tweaked meshes) for architecture, ground, rocks and others.

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thanky you, thanky you, but qarl textures readme says nothing about and how unisntall is done, unfortunatelly

Next time you might want to create an omod. I know I know it takes forever to create and lets not even talk about installing such a mod in less than an hour but once you can switch between different mods that alter the same files without having to go through dozens of mesh and texture folders to check filenames and back them up, you will happily accept the waiting time. Plus a 40 meg omod can come to 1.5 gig of uncompressed files, save that precious hard space! ;)


Back on topic, even on my core i7 with 6 gig of ddr3 ram and a geforce 8900 gtx, I decided to go with qarl redimized since qarl + raevwd + 100 other mods = fps around 20 in exteriors. Although I have started to think that, since every time I am experiencing a bigger lag, I can hear my harddisk working, that maybe the bottleneck road..

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You'd be better off reinstalling Oblivion than trying to manually uninstall Quarl's TP3. QTP3 is massive, it replaced around 4,000 files in your Oblivion install. You'll never get it all by hand and you'll be having large swaths of purple and yellow land or objects everywhere.


Learn the awesomeness of Oblivion Mod Manager and always make omods. Then, if you run into problems with a mod it's a simple double click to uninstall the whole thing. QTP3 is a massive texture replacer, looks awesome but you need a high end gaming machine with lots of VRAM to run it nicely. If you add in viewable when distant mods, it just increases to a more horrific level of vram.


I run a GTX 285 with 1024 megs of vram and running QTP3 (not reduced) and Tamriel VWD+Chapels+Extras I regularly hit 900+ megs of vram used. I recently ditched QTP3 in favor of Parallax Cities Gigapack and 2048 color and normal maps replacement. I like the default Oblivion look of buildings and stuff but hated the distant land. This fixed that. Awesome distant land and 3D looking structures thanks to the Gigapack.


Good luck. When it's all said and done, defrag that drive.

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