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A mobile-imagined home mod


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So I was just lying on my bed up until 11AM and I was half asleep then this idea just came to me, a house on an animal's back. Yep, kind of similar to this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24234/? but
Where you can have your house carrying by an animal, of course your house(and everything that enters it) would have to scaled to be smaller to fit on an animal's back, or a giant rabbit carrying your house on the back, idk, and you could just go out to the balcony and see the environment around you carrying and moving by a rabbit/wolf/etc, or just go to third person and see the animal carrying your house moving in the forest. I'd prefer a mini house on a rabbit so that I could look up and see everything in a different way.

Again, this idea was popped up to me when I was half asleep so... yeah.

About entering the house, maybe a teleporter or something would work.

And about how to make it looks like the house is sticking to an animal's back... well maybe a rope tied the house to the rabbits/animals?

If you still can't imagine what I'm trying to do/explain, click attachment (xD)

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