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very confused


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I do not know of ANY XBOX360 game that allows for fan-made content to be used.


The way I understand it, only the developers (Bethsoft) can release content for the 360 and there is only a handful of DLCs available for purchase.


Everything on this site is for the PC only.



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No disrespect intended LHammonds, but there is a way to modify your game on Xbox.

Here's a link :



You wont be able to download and use mods as you can with the PC, but you can make changes to vanilla items.


From the above linked wiki:


Modding Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 is very much possible but limited in its capabilities.


You cannot however use the console, the G.E.C.K. or use PC mods on the Xbox 360.


To mod Fallout 3 you need to extract your save from the 360 and modify it. Although modding is limited it does have enough uses to keep playability ongoing.


Here are some of the things that can be achieved:


Swapping items for other items (This includes equipment, cut content, NPCs and even static objects such as staircases, beds etc. Basically anything that has a base id.)


* Changing the condition of equipment above even 100% (This can have the effect of overpowering the item, being able to make a 2 DR armor give you 85 DR and having a low DAM weapon kill anything in one hit should you choose the boost condition by that much.)

* Changing your characters race (Including those not normally able to be chosen such as Ghouls and races from DLC if you have them such as Tribals.)

* Changing the scale of objects to nearly any size. (This is a very complicated process so many would probably be better off leaving this.)

* Plus many other things.


To be able to do this you will need an assortment of programs and a device to connect your 360 HDD to your PC. The websites mentioned at the bottom of this section have resources on everything needed.


It should also be noted that modding Fallout 3 will not get you banned as it is a single player game and modding it does not affect anybody's experience across Xbox LIVE but carelessness can cause irreversible damage to your game saves so always be sure to back them up.


The following websites have all the resources, guides and support to successfully mod Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360:


* http://www.ReapersModz.b1.jcink.com (Requires registration.)

* http://www.game-tuts.com (Requires registration.)

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The problem is that this couldn't be supported by any sites...as any user-generated content for the Xbox is against some policies which are powerful enough to shut down sites. I knew it was possible, same thing for oblivion you can swap things..but again..we could never support it. In contradict to what that site says, I think it'll get you into trouble if found out..not to mention the sites uploading ways/mods to do it:


Fan-produced mods may be used with the PC version of the game only. Any other use is a violation of the game's license agreement.

I'm not sure if Fallout3 has another one..but I doubt it.

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No disrespect taken but that article about modifying savegames has NOTHING to do with the question posed by the OP which was about the mods uploaded here on the Nexus making their way to the XBOX 360.


The only way fan-made mods can make their way to the XBOX 360 is through the developer (Bethsoft) as a DLC...which is not going to happen.



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Bben46's FAQ, Can I use the mods on my 360?


Short answer, No.


Long answer. The file structures between the 360 and PC are totally different. Even if you could get a mod into the 360 it won't work. To get it to work, you will have to rewrite the operating system of the 360 first, then rewrite every mod to work on that new operating system. Then, the maker of the 360 doesn't want you to do that. If you modify anything in it, they will block you the next time you go on their site. (read their terms and conditions) They make their money selling you new games and not by allowing you to use free mods.


My advice, start saving now for a good PC - don't get a cheap one.

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