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Guest TAJocelyn

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Guest TAJocelyn

Here's a nice little script that can be used to control an object(xmarker) by several different switches that will all show the same animation.


scn AATJGenericLightSwitch




;This is part of the repair lights script and can control multiple switches using the same

;xmarker and linked refs.

;This script controls the animation of the switch and turns on or off the normal

;lights once power is restored by repairing its node.

;Its xmarker acts as an on/off switch and is set as the linked reference of the switch

;SetOpenstate 0=closed, 1=open

;GetOpenState 0=not a door, 1=open, 2=is opening, 3=closed, 4=is closing




ref LinkedRef ;this is the light switch on or off (xmarker)

ref self ;this is the switch ref




;This section checks to make sure that the animation matches the xmarker state




Begin OnLoad ;Start when enabled


set self to GetSelf ;Get the refrence number of the switch


if LinkedRef.GetDisabled == 1 ;xmarker is off

self.SetOpenState 0 ;Switch is set to closed Red


self.SetOpenState 1 ;switch is set to open









;This section handles the activation or use of the switch




Begin onActivate ;Start when used


set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef ;This is an xmarker that is the on/off switch

set self to GetSelf ;This is the switch being used


if self.getOpenstate == 3 ;is switch is off?

self.Activate ;then Green light and

LinkedRef.enable ;Xmarker is enabled == lights On

elseif self.getOpenstate == 1 ;is switch is on?

self.Activate ;then Red light and

LinkedRef.disable ;Xmarker off == lights Off







;This section checks to see if the xmarker has been turned on by another switch and

;sets its animation to match. This will be called by all switches




Begin GameMode ;Runs always


Set self to GetSelf ;the switch

Set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef ;the xmarker


if LinkedRef.GetDisabled == 1 ;xmarker is off

self.SetOpenState 0 ;Switch is set to closed Red


self.SetOpenState 1 ;switch is set to open



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Guest TAJocelyn

This is a basic repair script for a light switch(and lights).


scn AATJGenericLightSwitchRepair




; With a repair skill of 10, 1 scrap, 1 abraxo cleaner, and a wrench, the player can

; restore an areas lights after its power node has been repaired.

; Use only one switch for repair as we want the player in the room

; This script is placed on a dummy switch that is set to enable parent on our real switch, we can reuse this by

; enable to create random faults.




ref LinkedRef ; The linked power node

ref self ; The switch

short state ; 0 = Broken

; 1 = Fixed


short active ; 0 = Not fixing

; 1 = fixing


short button ; Message Choice (0 or 1) in this script




begin onActivate


set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef

set self to GetSelf


if LinkedRef.GetDisabled == 0 ;Is its node repaired?

if IsActionRef player == 1 ;Is it the player?

if state == 0 && active == 0


if player.getAV repair >= 10 && player.getitemcount Spareparts > 1 &&player.GetItemCount Wrench01 == 1 && player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner >= 1 ;This is one line in the editor.


ShowMessage AATJLightRepair ;Repair Option Avalible

set active to 1 ;We are fixing


ShowMessage AATJLightSkill ;Item count too low




;Do nothing its broke!



showmessage AATJPowerNodeNotRepaired ;No power






begin GameMode


if active == 1

set active to 0

if state == 0

set button to getButtonPressed ;Message choice

if button == 0 ;Repair Lights

Player.removeitem FissionBattery 1 ;Remove Battery

Player.removeitem SpareParts 1 ;Remove Scrap

Player.removeitem AbraxoCleaner 1 ;Remove Cleaner

Player.RewardXP 10 ;XP=Skill

if aaTJVGDoorRoomFix.GetDisabled == 0 ;The room is clean ShowMessage AATJLightRepaired


ShowMessage AATJLightRepairedNasty


self.Disable ;Enable fixed light switch

set state to 1

elseif button == 1 ;Leave it alone

; do nothing






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Guest TAJocelyn

My generic light repair system;

This consists of two consoles and two switches and one xmarker.

The first consol uses my animated ruined consol type 4 or 6 and the following script:



scn AATJGenericLargePowerNodeRepair


; This script repairs the broken power node so the switch can be repaired.

; With a skill of 20 and 2 batteries, a wrench, the player can restore the power to the relay system.

; Also, with no skill, a Paint Gun, and 1 Turpentine, the player can repaint the console.

; This uses my type6 ruined vault version of the console.

; Note this script is cut down from my original that allows repeated repairs.




ref LinkedRef ;Used to set the state of the light switch (repair/no-repair).

ref SelfRef ;The broken power node (disable parent), the good power node is set to be oppisite disable parent

short state ; 0 = Broken

; 1 = Fixed

; 2 = Not Painted


short active ; 0 = Not Fixable

; 1 = Fixable


short button ; Message Choice (0 or 1) in this script




begin onActivate


set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef

set SelfRef to GetSelf


if IsActionRef player == 1

if state == 0 && active == 0


if player.getAV repair >= 20 && player.getitemcount FissionBattery >= 2 && Player.GetItemCount Wrench01 == 1;this is one line in the editor


ShowMessage aaTJGenPowNodRepMsg ;Repair Option Available

set active to 1 ;Fixable


ShowMessage aaTJGenLrgPowNodRepReq ;Failure show requirements


elseif state == 1 && active == 0 ;only show if you have the materials.

if Player.GetitemCount PaintGun == 1 && Player.GetItemCount Turpentine >= 1

ShowMessage aaTJGenPaiRepMsg ;Paint the node

set active to 1

set state to 2


;Do nothing this just enables repair of switch









begin gameMode


if active == 1

set active to 0

if state == 0

set button to getButtonPressed ;Message choice

if button == 0 ;Repair Node

Player.removeitem FissionBattery 2 ;Remove Battery

Player.RewardXP 20 ;XP=Skill ShowMessage aaTJRepairSuccess

SelfRef.PlayGroup Forward 1

set state to 1

LinkedRef.enable ;Enables the repairable switch

elseif button == 1 ;Leave it alone

; do nothing


elseif state == 2

set button to GetButtonPressed

if button == 0

Player.removeitem Turpentine 1

SelfRef.disable ;Enables the new power node

elseif button == 2

;Do nothing







This ruined consol will allow the player to repair and then repaint it. When repaired the consol lights animate on. When it’s repainted it is replaced with a normal type4 or 6 consol with its lights animated. The real purpose of the consol is to allow the repair of the light switch and be a test object for the emergency power.

The second consol has the following script attached:


scn AATJGenericPowerNodeFixed




;this script starts the animation for the node when

;it is enabled.




ref LinkedRef ;So it will work on two nodes for doors

Begin OnLoad ;Start when enabled


Set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef ;The second node 2 per

PlayGroup Forward 1 ;Play the animation Forward Immediantly

LinkedRef.PlayGroup Forward 1 ;Play the animation on second node too



end ;Only runs once unless disabled and re-enabled



; For new content



Begin OnActivate ; this is a catch-all


Set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef

PlayGroup Forward 3

LinkedRef.PlayGroup Forward 3

ShowMessage AATJConsRepaired ; Just tell the player its working.






With either repaired, the first switch will now allow the player to repair it. The next script is placed on the first switch:


scn AATJGenericLightSwitchRepair




; With a repair skill of 10, 1 scrap, 1 abraxo cleaner, and a wrench, the player can

; restore an area light after its power node has been repaired.

; Use only one switch for repair as we want the player in the room




ref LinkedRef ; The linked power node


ref self


short state ; 0 = Broken

; 1 = Fixed


short active ; 0 = Not fixing

; 1 = fixing


short button ; Message Choice (0 or 1) in this script




begin onActivate


set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef

set self to GetSelf


if LinkedRef.IsAnimPlaying Forward == 1|| LinkedRef.getdisabled == 1 ;Is its node repaired?

if IsActionRef player == 1

if state == 0 && active == 0


if player.getAV repair >= 10 && player.getitemcount Spareparts > 1 && player.GetItemCount Wrench01 == 1 && player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner >= 1 ; this is one line in the editor.


ShowMessage AATJLigRepair ;Repair Option Avalible

set active to 1


ShowMessage AATJLigSkill ;Item count too low




;Do nothing its broke!



showmessage AATJPowerNodeNotRepaired






begin GameMode


if active == 1

set active to 0

if state == 0

set button to getButtonPressed ;Message choice

if button == 0 ;Repair Lights Player.removeitem FissionBattery 1 ;Remove Battery

Player.removeitem SpareParts 1 ;Remove Scrap

Player.removeitem AbraxoCleaner 1 ;Remove Cleaner

Player.RewardXP 10 ;XP=Skill

;if aaTJVGDoorRoomFix.GetDisabled == 0 ;The room is clean ;ShowMessage AATJLightRepaired


ShowMessage AATJRepairSuccess


self.Disable ;Enable fixed light switch

set state to 1

elseif button == 1 ;Leave it alone ; do nothing







When the switch is repaired it disables itself which enables the normal switch. The normal switch has the following script attached:


scn AATJGenericLightSwitch




;SetOpenstate 0=closed, 1=open

;GetOpenState 0=not a door, 1=open, 2=is opening, 3=closed, 4=is closing




ref LinkedRef ;this is the light switch on or off (xmarker)

ref self ;this is the switch ref




;This section checks to make sure that the animation matches the xmarker state




Begin OnLoad ;Start when enabled


set self to GetSelf ;Get the refrence number of the switch


if LinkedRef.GetDisabled == 1 ;xmarker is off

self.SetOpenState 0 ;Switch is set to closed Red


self.SetOpenState 1 ;switch is set to open









;This section handles the activation or use of the switch




Begin onActivate ;Start when used


set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef ;This is an xmarker that is the on/off switch

set self to GetSelf ;This is the switch being used


if self.getOpenstate == 3 ;Switch off

self.Activate ;Green light

LinkedRef.enable ;Xmarker on == lights On

elseif self.getOpenstate == 1 ;Switch is on

self.Activate ;Red light

LinkedRef.disable ;Xmarker off == lights Off







;This section checks to see if the xmarker has been turned on by another switch and

;sets its animation to match. This will be called by all switches




Begin GameMode ;Runs always


Set self to GetSelf ;the switch

Set LinkedRef to GetLinkedRef ;the xmarker


if LinkedRef.GetDisabled == 1 ;xmarker is off

self.SetOpenState 0 ;Switch is set to closed Red


self.SetOpenState 1 ;switch is set to open






Now with this script running, the switch will mirror any other switch set as a linked reference to the xmarker.

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