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Turret drone


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could make a drone, about the size of a fist i.e. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Senball.jpg. If someone can make this, have the colors be black and gray. There should be two drones, following you around, and a remote control to make sure that if they are lost they can be returned to you. They should be constantly stealthed and only uncloaking when you are in combat. For visual reference, it should be like the drone Luke uses in Episode 4 to train with the lightsaber. Thanks to anyone who can make this. :)
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I already tried the tau drones, but, first off they're a bit big and also I have this thing about symmetry and the antennas on top where driving me up a wall. I like to use the crysis armor and I figured that these would fit right in, especially since the default npc companions suck.
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