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What are your faults and weaknesses?


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I just embarrassed myself by posting a topic in the Lounge about what books people read, without even noticing the pinned topic. And, to top it off, I gave it a really arrogant subtitle. At the time I thought, "maybe people don't read a lot here. It is a video game forum, and I did just graduate from a visual effects school filled with people who didn't read very much and watched cartoons all day." Then I realized my mistake and couldn't delete my own thread. Hooray for me....


And, I found the answers in the existing reading thread to be very cool sounding and interesting. Books that I mean to look into even. Needless to say, I feel a little sheepish...


But hey, my question was answered. Good to know people on here read a lot. ;)


So yeah, that's my problem. I plow forward without thinking. It happens a lot. That, or I over-think a situation. The end result is often the same.



Sometimes it's our faults that make us human. I consider myself very intelligent, but ask a lot of my coworkers and bosses over the past ten years and you wouldn't think so. I have trouble relating to the "average joe".


It definitely sucks sometimes.



I'm just wondering, is anyone else in the same boat? Or a different one?

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But as long as you recognize and work on them you are ok. Sometimes however faults are a good thing, even faults that are considered bad by some people can be good. I post like that all the time. Or think of a search term I had not thought of before and find my answer only after I had already posted. It happens and yes people will still get mad over it but it happens.


Very interesting topic and I think I am going to steal your idea and make one just like it over at my groups forums.


I would have to say my biggest weakness is Dark Chocolate! Ok just kidding.


At times I am not very tolerant or patient and can be judgmental. It really depends on the situation however so I do not see it as a fault or weakness that I really need to be concerned about. For example I have no patience or tolerance for people who wait until the last minute to start writing a check for their groceries and holding up everyone. I also feel the same way about the person that forgets something while in line and then makes everyone wait while either a bagger, the clerk or they themselves get said item. If I forget something I will complete my transaction and get back in line. If the line is too long then I gauge how badly I want/need the item and that determines whether or not I get back in line. This brings me to my next fault which can sometimes get me into trouble.


I believe in saying what you mean and meaning what you say, doing the hard right thing versus the easy wrong thing and Doing what you say you are going to do! Life is too short for BS and candy coating things for people. So whenever I am at a store and someone does the above and then has the gal to say "I'm sorry" I wait patiently for the next person in line to say "It's ok", then I will say "Actually it's not ok, it is rude and inconsiderate, why not pay for what you have and then get back in line so you do not hold other people up who's time is just as valuable as yours". Well this usually works one of two ways either the person gets "it" or they don't. Usually the type of person that does this has a mantra that they live by and it goes something like "I inconvenience others, only to convenience myself", they drive the same way and generally run around oblivious and uncaring for the consequences of their actions. So I think my fault is a little justified. I can be at a restaurant and after waiting for almost an hour to get my food only laugh and help clean up the mess from the floor in front of my table where the waitress tripped all while trying to make her laugh and stop crying. So it is only in certain circumstances I feel the need to assert my will.


I am very blunt and outspoken! As I touched on earlier, I believe there is no time for namby pamby stuff. And I don't think that there should be 17th place trophies! Or that when someone does something bad, not up to par with the standard or does not achieve success at something, (like a kid losing at the science fair) you don't set them up for failure in life by making excuses for them you acknowledge their effort and explain to them where they can improve. You don't give them a 9th place blue ribbon!


I am very intense. Sometimes people cannot handle me. Or they read me wrong.


I try to hard to prove things to my self. It used to be I tried to hard to prove things to other people, I outgrew that as I think/hope all others do. Now it is getting over having to prove things to myself that is harder still and leads to some very interesting situations.


I might at times be too in your face with stuff but it is only because of my exuberance and desire to see those around me be happy and try different things and live life.


I also procrastinate but I am working on that. And I think everything has to start at 330 or 400 in the morning.


I really do like Dark Chocolate though :bunny:

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What are your faults and weaknesses?
My answer depends on who asks it.


If this is an interview for a job, my answer is none. I've identified my weaknesses long ago and have addressed them. If any new weaknesses are discovered, I work on them until they are no longer weaknesses. My strength has overcome any weaknesses I ever had. I won't mention where my strength comes from on this forum due to forum rules though. ;)


But to friends and family, my answer would be anger. My biggest weakness is my temper. I am a hot head. I sometimes feel rage. I identified this long ago and like somebody that has a drinking or smoking problem, it is always there just waiting to be unleashed. I have to work diligently every day to make sure I overcome that weakness and to never let my anger control me. There has never been a situation in my past where I have let my anger control me that I was proud of and I keep that thought present any time I feel rage start to take over. Silence and patience is the only cure that works for me.



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I'm a sucker for love. I always yearn for it so badly! In the past it has made me do some stupid things that I'll always regret. But these days I like to think my head is on a bit straighter, though I'd still have to say it's my greatest fault or weakness.
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