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What are your faults and weaknesses?


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When it comes to pointing out the facts i use no tact and am to the point, many take this as me being cold and deem me a angel very quickly.



i also don't care what others think about me whatsoever.


I have a permanent sweet tooth for rare beef...


I prefer to listen than talk


I'm not much of a stereotype but i hate people who prefer kissing ass to get in the big picture,beg and/or nag


I have a very recently discovered problem with starting sentences with "I" or "i'm"


I am flawed for giving many second chances,which usually end bad


I have bad taste in women.


I do not hate anyone due to culture,gender,sexual orientation etc,but i have a very open humor about those things and some people get quickly offended..then i resort to not caring..


When i was a kid i watched a few episodes of 90210.. i was a kid,gimmie a break..


i have a chronic ritual of whispering vulgar insults when i shoot at someone.


When it was still new, i had hoped that the smurfs would eventually get eaten.


I rooted for the green ranger.


i have trouble forgiving people

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Energy Drinks!


Mainly Monster. Omg I need like 2 cans a day to feel normal haha. WHen I dont have them I get these hellish headaches.


Been drinking them for the last 5 years solid. Lol probably not a good thing.


If you are looking for the high you get from energy drinks but tired of spending th money on them there are alternatives that work as well if not better though not as fun to use because you have to drink lots of water throughout the day while using them. Try caffeine pills and Taurine capsules. I only say to increase your water intake not because of Caffeines negligible diuretic influence (how much vs how often) but because the energy drinks are supplying you with at least a minimal amount of fluids. If that does not work you could move onto Caffeine, Taurine and Ephedra but you have to take them all according to the labels. You will having trouble finding Ephedra if you live in the US (at least any reputable source) so go for the FDA approved Broncaid which has 25mg (that's more than enough) and will not land you in jail.

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Haha sometimes I reallly think caffiene should be outlawed. Its not a drug, but its damn sure close.

I've been addicted to it. Couldn't sleep, Didn't eat, felt reaalll cold until my first can of Diet Dr.pepper. Laugh if you want, but it has three times more caffeine than coffee.



My falts... I'm forgetful,

I hold everyone else to my standard,

I don't give a damn about anyone else's opinion with me.

It took me 6 years to learn the meaning of the word tact, and I still don't have it.

I get mad when I know I'm right and the other person Isn't even reading what I said before replying,

I abhor any organized religion,

I always clash with someone on any forum, No-one here....yet......

And I've burnt through 7 graphics cards.

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I can very easily forgive people when i should forgive them at all

I can fall in love easily

My heart breaks very easily

I am very addicted to internet

I am affraid of falling in love (affraid of breaking my heart again)

I hate love

I love hate

All of my friends on internet are better then my friends in real life

I can't remember anything because i am too busy thinking about video games

I hate starting to learn something new

I have been trying to get attention of people on the forum

I... I have a low self esteem

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I can very easily forgive people when i should forgive them at all

I can fall in love easily

My heart breaks very easily

I am very addicted to internet

I am affraid of falling in love (affraid of breaking my heart again)

I hate love

I love hate

All of my friends on internet are better then my friends in real life

I can't remember anything because i am too busy thinking about video games

I hate starting to learn something new

I have been trying to get attention of people on the forum

I... I have a low self esteem

That's called the modder's condition.

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- Procrastination

- I tend to ignore / escape vs. facing unpleasant reality... I used to drink, now I'm a gamer

- Emotional immaturity: I either feel far too much, or nothing at all (defence mechanism)

- I don't work at friendships, and they fade into oblivion...


Professionally (as I would say in a job interview): I'm not a salesman at all, instead tending to say the blunt honest truth, sometimes to my own detriment.

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