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Just started up Oblivon


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Heya I have just started up Oblivion again, uninstalled it and installed it again so it would work normally :P

It was around 20 GB large and somethings started to mess up for me :/

Yea but now to the problem what should i play like ?


I don't mean the usual stuff like a normal melee fighter or a normal magic user.


I want something with more variety.

Get my point ?

I need help in selecting skills and others so it will be more interesting to play

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One of my favourites is a sniper specializing in bow, light armour and sneak. Use the terrain to sneak up on an opponent who cannot fire back as he cannot see you and do him in with common low-grade arrows. Once your sneak gets high enough you'll find yourself next to invisible. Oh, and forgo Invisibility and Chameleon spells as it makes it far too easy. This is one of the most powerful characters that I run without cheats. You really have to think about what you are doing to stalk your prey.




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Already played like a sneaky character gets boring after a while but thx :P


But I'm probably gonna play like a sword fighter + a summoner

I will choose strength and intelligence then use my summons to block for me so i won't need endurance.

Sounds good ?? :) but keep the tips flowing in please because if this don't work good i will need something new :P

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what about an illusionist use a dagger and u will fight mostly by ur tongue command the first enemy frenzy the second and calm the third and watch them kill each other the major skills would be:

blade(for back up only)

illusion(ur main skill)

block(for saving up a bit hp and to be able to pump endurance pretty fast )


and that's basically it u can choose any 4 other skills u like...

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