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Looking for someone skilled in NPC making to collaborate with.


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Let's get down to bisniz. I want to voice act a bad-ass follower. People have told me I should, and I think it's a fun idea.


I despise barbieness and cutesy and the "Ysolda voice" when it comes to Skyrim characters and I want to make something different, with maybe custom armour, custom warpaint etc.


But I can't make NPC's at all. I actually kind of hate making NPC's.


I also want to link the character to a house mod or build her a home, maybe Dragonborn can share it with her. Something something so I can also build stuff for this mod.


She would NOT be marriageable, more like she has heard of Dragonborn's adventures and looks him/her up to come along to do bunch of stuff. So she would only be available after the main quest has progressed to maybe the Greybeards's part.


She'd be a Dunmer or Altmer.. Possibly with Imperial tendencies (mainly because I hate racism and discrimination). So if the Dragonborn is Stormcloak, she will remind the PC that Skyrim belongs to every one.

She should have some morality, but I don't want to make a follower that darker characters or thieves cannot play with. Think Jenassa, but with more heart, maybe? Jenassa meets Mjoll as Electromancer :D


She'd be a master mage for sure. Think Frost Atronaches, Invisibilty, element cloaks.. Maybe a conjurer who uses summoned weapons too...


And this is her voice:


I can also sing adequately (not comfortable publishing that test file here though), so she could have bard tendencies.


(I know it's a shitty quality recording, I just threw it together in 2 minutes to test if I can record at all, I'd make sure I can produce decent sound files if this project actually takes off)


My favourite follower ever is Rumarin from Interesting NPCs mod, so if I could throw together a character that behaves like Rumarin (comments on stuff and locations, has personalised lines, has custom fight style), it would be fantastic.


Any takers?

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I could make the face and base NPC but I am not sure i can do the custom lines and voice inserting... The fight style like ancano? But with only electric spells? I could place her anywhere just would need the house .esp thing to place her in said house... I think it would be easier to make the whole house only available after the greybeards... maybe a key and note in a chest at the end of the whole horn of jurgen windcaller dungeon?
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