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help me with my load order


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ive had this problem before and for some reason it has never worked right for me with fallout 3


i have the FOMM FOSE and the archive thing


i have attached my load order tell me where i need to rearrange any thing



im using windows 7 and fallout 3 is running under xp(servicepack 3) compatability mode

and i have version 1.7 of fallout3

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The biggest "problem" is that the boxes to enable the mods aren't checked :)


Afterward, using FO3Edit, you'll find and resolve any conflicts. Though, from that list, you shouldn't encounter too many.

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I'm running FO3 GOTY just fine on Windows 7, RC1, x64-bit Edition without the compatibility modes enabled, however, I did have to change the load order and apply the fallout3.ini tweaks(the ones for quad-core cpu's) to get things working properly without any freezing and/or CTD's.


Here is my load order:









For some reason if i had PointLookout in any position before the other master files I would get ctd's and/or freezing.


Could be the root cause for me is the quad-core cpu and the fallout3.ini tweaks are the resolution ;)


There is a post about what to change the fallout3.ini file to but it's the cpu affinity tweaks for the GameBryo Engine to allow multi-threading but only use 2 cpu cores instead of all 4 cores, I bet it has the same issue with the triple core AMD cpu's too....


I will have to test that on my fathers rig as he has a new triple core machine now...


If I can locate that thread I will post the link but it's here in the technical support section, maybe it was in one of the stickies at top too, can't remember.

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The directory naming is not case sensitive, extracting a mod that has it as textures when yours is Textures is fine.


If you don't like messing directly with .ini files, there is Fallout 3 Configurator, a utility you can get to tweak the file through an interface.

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