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Pillow Forts. Screenshots?


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For some strange reason the lowest pillow always floats a little above the ground.


In testing my solid pillows mod, which I'll shamelessly plug here, I've encountered the same behavior, and noted a few points about it:

  • I've only observed it on landscape. The single object I've tested it on was a swamp surface (I didn't have time to test any others, since the OS's butterfly effect compliance kicked in -- IE, a butterfly in Japan flapped its wings and my Windows box BSODed), and all pillows placed on it were level.
  • In one case, I laid down five pillows in a straight line, and noted that the outermost pillows were not raised noticeably, but all the rest were -- further, the left and right inner pillows were raised by half the distance that the center pillow was. When viewed from the ground and looking straight on, it looked vaguely like an inverted "V." My best guess is that the center pillow hit either a vertex or edge in the landscape, and the displacement of the rest of the pillows reflects their distance from the hypothetical point or line.
  • The distance from the gound seemed to be roughly a multiple of the height of the pillow model used in all cases. I don't know quite what to make of this, but it seemed extremely interesting at the time.
  • Picking up a displaced pillow and dropping it at a location that's (presumably) slightly different seemed to change the displacement, or even get rid of it entirely.

Keeping that in mind, my suggestion is that you try putting it on a foundation. Failing that, try doing what I did and put a swamp under it -- as said, it's definetly immune to this peculiar problem, and, besides, you'll have probably the most unique location among all pillow fort builders, and a built-in Monty Python quote should anyone question your wisdom in placing it there.

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M'Aqui has built a pillow fort before. Very fun. M'Aqui's pillow fort stretched up to the sky and beyond. Then M'Aqui wrote a book on the art of pillow fort making.








M'Aqui does not like you.




What creature belongs to the big mouth in this screenshot?



M'Aqui thinks that is a Giant Alit. M'Aqui knows this because M'Aqui once caught one.

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