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Texture problems


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Alright, so I've tried a few texture mods. like

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20022 and the Ainmhi race mod. Both have a huge amount of problems for me. The first, the textures show up really badly, and everything shows up the same colour with weird lines, the race mod the ears and eyes don't show up and it weirds me right out.


I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. The first one has an installer tool, and I followed it completely, so I don't know how that messed up, and the second I just used the omod creater and those errors happened.



Anyone else experience this? If so, what'd you do to fix it? Any help is appreciated.

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Are you sure you're using HGEC as chosen body replacer? Since Ainmhi does not use any custom skin texture, you'll need to check if vanilla races have such problem. Also, make sure you installed all resources for Ainmhi correctly.
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Yeah, I'm using HGEC. The high rez mod is what messes up the textures, and I don't see how I could have messed that up since it uses an installer. This happens before any ainmhi. Only problems with the ainmhi by itself are the ears and eyes not showing up for some reason.
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Hmm? I used the HGEC body mod, or did you mean something else? I'm completely new to this, so I apologise if you meant something else and it went right over my head.


What exactly would be the process of getting that high rez mod to work? Maybe if someone said what would need to be done to get it to work from the getgo I'd be able to see where I messed up.

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Hmm? I used the HGEC body mod, or did you mean something else? I'm completely new to this, so I apologise if you meant something else and it went right over my head.


What exactly would be the process of getting that high rez mod to work? Maybe if someone said what would need to be done to get it to work from the getgo I'd be able to see where I messed up.


1. Make sure you installed HG EyeCandy. If you installed the body shape you want correctly(along with all body textures), you can see installed body when actor takes off her clothes.

2. Install HiRez textures over. And... I recommend you to use Archive Invalidation Invalidated, so you won't need to mess with ArchiveInvalidation.txt.

3. Install clothing/armor mesh replacers for HGEC. Eyecandy Vatiants Expansion supports some body types from HGEC.

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Well, I tried all of that and still no luck. Oh well, I'll just give up on it, it's far from important, more of one of those things I got interested in because it didn't work for me and I was curious to find out why, but seems like I'm stuck in a rut. Thanks for the help, though.
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Well, I tried all of that and still no luck. Oh well, I'll just give up on it, it's far from important, more of one of those things I got interested in because it didn't work for me and I was curious to find out why, but seems like I'm stuck in a rut. Thanks for the help, though.

never give up,for body mods there's always a solution!

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Haha. Well, I'm not sure what else to try. Everything works fine before the high rez and ainmhi mods, so it has to be something to do with them. When I try either by themselves they both have the errors I said. High rez makes everything the same tone which makes the mod uselss since it just makes things look way worse, and ainmhi the ears don't show up, or the eyes --can see right through the head.


Rez uses an installer so I really don't know what I could be doing wrong there.

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Haha. Well, I'm not sure what else to try. Everything works fine before the high rez and ainmhi mods, so it has to be something to do with them. When I try either by themselves they both have the errors I said. High rez makes everything the same tone which makes the mod uselss since it just makes things look way worse, and ainmhi the ears don't show up, or the eyes --can see right through the head.


Rez uses an installer so I really don't know what I could be doing wrong there.

list all your mods and a load order please

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