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animal companions anyone?


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Hello Modders, I have been told that I can get mods for companion animals here ( apart from my faithful paint horse of course) for Oblivion, specifically, wolf, dog, mountain lion, tiger. Please may you name one or two so I know what to look for?


Also, when playing Fallout3, I had a mod called mini hideout which was really delightful and came well equipped and quite 'homey' ( by Fallout standards). Is there an equivalent mod for Oblivion please? While scouting around I came upon something named Aktari Tower ( or similar), and it sounded nice, especially if you were a young male player - but I am not young nor male and so the idea of sexy young maids coming to soothe my war-weary brow, or whatever, doesn't do a lot for me - I just want a nice little cottage in the country that I can doll up to my own tastes. At present I hang out in the pirate ship, which isn't ideal as I understand it figures in a quest at some time, and anyway, is a bit creepy.


Thank you in hopeful anticipation :)


PS I already have Obscuros Overhaul, a night sky enhancement and natural vegetation and water mods, that's all I think.


PPS I have just found mention of a mod called Complete Ranger, which looks good, even though I have to start the game again - but it is quite old (2006) and has no updates that I can see - would this be OK do you think?

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thanks, just found that seconds before, not quite what I was looking for - these seem a bit docile, whereas I want a loyal fighting companion rather than 'just' a pet.


There are something like 213 pages of companion animals on the TESNEXUS page, if I had a mod name or two I could search more efficiently for the 'right' one.


Thanks for this though, appreciate your help :)

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thank you for the warning. I have d/l'd Maigrets Rosie companion, and a wolf one to try, so that should keep me happy for a bit.



I have also found a nice little hideaway and installed it - GreenAcreCave, and I am told that it is near Fort Blackboot.


Problem is, I haven't found that Fort yet, so no idea where to look for my new home - can anyone give a rough pointer please?

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thank you for the warning. I have d/l'd Maigrets Rosie companion, and a wolf one to try, so that should keep me happy for a bit.



I have also found a nice little hideaway and installed it - GreenAcreCave, and I am told that it is near Fort Blackboot.


Problem is, I haven't found that Fort yet, so no idea where to look for my new home - can anyone give a rough pointer please?

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