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HGEC + Male Body Replacer = Problems


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So, I've applied the Male Body Replacer V4 alongside the HGEC V1.21. The result of the mix are just a few problems:


1. I'm not quite sure on this one, but I think the hand models are shared between genders, which means that one gender will always have an improper set of hands. I could be somewhat wrong on that, though. Might be seeing things.

2. This one's a lot more major; the skin textures on khajit's are all garbled up on males when the two mods are applied consecutively, even though there is no file overlap present in the Khajit male's folder. A seemingly different texture set seems to take precedence over the one from the Male Body Replacer, from the HGEC set. If I delete the suspected files, the Male khajit's textures will show up properly, but then the female textures will be garbled!

3. A very minor one; Male Mystic Elves have gotten a proper texture for bodies from MBR, whereas female ones did not.


Can anyone perhaps direct me to a female body mod that doesn't conflict as much with the MBR, perhaps, or suggest some way to bypass this problem?

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1. ExnemEC/HGEC simply use vanilla 'ugly' female hand(femalehand.nif). Though it is packaged with femalehand.nif...

2. By default, male and female Khajiit share same foot texture, and it's the root of the problem. With stock body, you wouldn't see anything weird. However, since almost of all body replacer use foot texture for wrapping around whole body, replacing Khajiit foot texture will cause messed up body skin for either sex. Current solution is using plugin to reassign body texture(and RM plugin assigns renamed foot texture to Khajiit male to avoid this problem).

3. Get Exnem's Mystic Elf conversion here: http://exnemsims.com/oblivion/FemaleEyeCan...er/MysticElves/

Or you can install Ozmo's HiRez texture pack.

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Ah, thank you for the advice!


Is the RM-replacement thing for Khajits in the Beautiful People - MaleReplacerV4.esm file? I had to disable that one because it caused everyone to have black eyes (most likely because I didn't have Beautiful People installed.)

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Ah, thank you for the advice!


Is the RM-replacement thing for Khajits in the Beautiful People - MaleReplacerV4.esm file? I had to disable that one because it caused everyone to have black eyes (most likely because I didn't have Beautiful People installed.)


Do not use RM-BP2.2 compatibility plugin. Even with current version of BP, it's not recommended. I recommend to use Wrye Bash to build bashed patch, rather.

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Ah, thank you for the advice!


Is the RM-replacement thing for Khajits in the Beautiful People - MaleReplacerV4.esm file? I had to disable that one because it caused everyone to have black eyes (most likely because I didn't have Beautiful People installed.)

BP is packaged with Roberts male body,unzip the file and remove BP manually,then install the mod

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Yeah, I know The Male Body Mod comes with BP... Well, not really; it comes with just a BP ESM. When I enabled the BP ESM from the Male Body Mod, everyone's eyes lost texture. A showracemenu function showed that the eye choices were still there, but they were all showing up as pure black.


EDIT: I realized that I had redated the Male Body Mod ESM to a very early date (making it have a 1st place in the load order). Perhaps that could be what's causing the problem; I just need to figure out which mod might be overlapping the body mod to figure out what it is.


After a short check, setting it to maximum priority allowed the textures to operate properly, but also got rid of the hairs obtained from Ren's beauty pack. I'm now attempting to create a bashed patch that merges the Male Body Mod and the Beauty Pack, but the Beauty Pack isn't really showing up. I've never done this whole merging thing; does anyone know how this works?


EDITII: Ok. Got it all fixed up with a Bashed Patch. Thanks for all the help, ev'ryone!

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