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Power Armor Request

Harabec Weathers

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Ive been playing Fallout Tactics a lot lately (addictive haha) and I love the Power Armor in that game. Its pretty awesome looking, way cooler than the Power Armor in Falliut 3 IMO lol.


Is it possible to create that Power Armor and get it into Fallout 3???


I know finding good screenshots of what it looks like might be tough but I think I can do it if needed.


Any takers??? :D

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I actually started working on this before, untill this guy started being a jerk LINK


But I don't put up well with people disrespecting me and reporting me to the moderators, so I stopped working on the thing altogether

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Wow I just read the link, man that sucks that had to happen.


Well the work you did so far looked great! Sorry to you had to hang it up dude :(


That isn't my work, that is what I pulled off of the Fallout Wiki


I don't have any screenshots of mine right now, because it is really just the basic shapes at the moment and I havn't started building in the details and everything



I plan on starting on it again when I have some time, but I've been busy lately

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I'm just trying to figure out what I should do on the back on the heltmet...


I could model all of those wires, but it would end up being tens of thousands of polys...



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I really don't have a single idea, only I could tell, thas maybe if the helmets back uses a different resolution, it will need less polygons to build. I hope I didn't sayd something dumb :D


Edit : And how will you solve the pip-boy problem ? I mean, there is two pipes at the pip-boys place. Will you just ignore that or you make two versions of the armor ? (one for pip-boy users and one for nps's or pip-boy remover/replacer mod users)


And thanks for not giving up this mod :)

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