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My Ultimate mod idea


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ok so you beat Story 1 being fallout 3 original then you beat broken steel the extention on the great fallout 3 story line. But what happens from there? Well I had an idea to bring one of the greatest expansions into the main story line of the wasteland. Thats right MotherShip Zeta is now going to be in the storyline this mod will require fallout3 and zeta and broken steel altogether to create an ultimate story extention it is not an official fallout story line but my idea for it sounds pretty cool and hey IF we finnish we could give it to bethsoft to look at it ? ok malzark one thing at a time. anyway, the basics is that the story starts of with a conversation between sentinal lyons and "player". talking about the wastes finally calmeing down.... WRONGE! :P

Now they have a whole new worry the alien invasion with new weapons designed to be critical to the human body! The anlien land on earth with a whole fleet of ships and start a war. the enclave join aliens some stuff happens and then theres and ending;) dont worry i know what happens but no big spoilers will be posted first i have to say to make this work I NEED ALOT OF PEOPLE! first i need someone to be a orginizer wich i hope will orginize this eintire project we need about 10ish GECK scripters 30ish DDS texturers 50ish NIF/KIF modlers 5-10ish voice actors 4 sitemasters to start up our forums and lets say about 20 other people in misc deparments that i havent thought of including most likely a co-leader position for those good at leading and with talents in moding. these are only ideal numbers i am not expecting such good results for such a new member of the fallout world but i really think this mod could turn out really well!


so if your intrested please post what you will like to help with and i will update the possition and stats of the mod from time to time on this forum!



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Well... aside from the fact that you haven't actually told us anything substantive about your mod concept or idea or whateverthehell it is, you need to learn to communicate a little more effectively. In the real world, spelling & grammar count. It also helps to be able to write actual sentences & coherent paragraphs.


OK... let's, just for the sake of argument, assume that you actually have a concept worked out. How about at least giving us some sort of hint. Saying that "it's cool" and that "some stuff happens and then theres and ending" (which should have read, "some stuff happens and then there is <or there's> an ending") doesn't really tell us anything.


One can always assume that any weapon, even one designed by aliens would be designed to have some sort of "critical to the human body" effect... gee, I dunno? Puncture wounds? Blisters? Turns humans into a pile of green goo... oh wait, that's been done.


By my count, you imply that this will require a team of about 129 people to pull off. (10ish GECK scripters 30ish DDS texturers 50ish NIF/KIF modlers 5-10ish voice actors 4 sitemasters to start up our forums and lets say about 20 other people) ~ Just to let you know, when IOI in Copenhagen developed the first two Hitman games, the company had less then 50 employees total, including the girl who answered the phone & the janitor. My guess is that you're overestimating the personnel requirements for this project.

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I don't want to sound rude at all but I will be straight foward about this, in order to save you some time.



This will not happen, it is that simple.



It would be a monumental acheivment if someone who had 5 years of modding expereince and 4 completed mods on his resume to get a team of even 10 people to work on a mod. For someone with no modding expereince, one person helping you out would be nothing short of a miracle.


I have seen it time and time again since I have been on this website. People come up with some idea that they think is awesome, then they post it on here and want everyone else to just volunteer to make it for them while they just sit back an watch. These things never get made, ever.


I made the mistake myself of trying to put a team together. The only difference was I was willing to do all of the texture, mesh, and dialogue work, as well as doing half of the GECK work and organizing everything. And my mod was far more planned out than yours LINK


And when it came down to it, I ended up with no help at all, and had just wasted a bunch of my time that I could have spent makeing the stuff myself. I couldn't even get people to brainstorm. I said "no expereince, just brainstorm ideas to develope characters" and still people couldn't come through. So I pretty much gave up and am now going to just make the whole thing myself.






So pretty much what I am trying to say is, this won't happen. So hopefully I have saved you some time you would have otherwise wasted in this endevor.

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I know I'm a n00b... but...


"Thats right MotherShip Zeta is now going to be in the storyline this mod will require fallout3 and zeta and broken steel altogether to create an ultimate story extention "



Isn't that impossible? Any time I try to load more then two ESM files in GECK it crashes telling me that I can only load two maximum. So, unless there's a work around for that, that I do not know of... Doesn't that make it impossible already?

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Wow.... just wow.


Still, a mod involving a fullscale alien invasion would be kinda cool. It might be just the sort of thing to get the Enclave, Brotherhood, Outcasts, mutants, slavers and everyone else all on the same side.

HA! I just had an image pop in my head of aliens trying to deal with the brats of Little Lamplight.

Can you see Fawkes serving as an ambassador of sorts, trying to get the muties to serve as shocktroops right alongside the bucketheads?


yep. epic.

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Well... aside from the fact that you haven't actually told us anything substantive about your mod concept or idea or whateverthehell it is, you need to learn to communicate a little more effectively. In the real world, spelling & grammar count. It also helps to be able to write actual sentences & coherent paragraphs.


OK... let's, just for the sake of argument, assume that you actually have a concept worked out. How about at least giving us some sort of hint. Saying that "it's cool" and that "some stuff happens and then theres and ending" (which should have read, "some stuff happens and then there is <or there's> an ending") doesn't really tell us anything.


One can always assume that any weapon, even one designed by aliens would be designed to have some sort of "critical to the human body" effect... gee, I dunno? Puncture wounds? Blisters? Turns humans into a pile of green goo... oh wait, that's been done.


By my count, you imply that this will require a team of about 129 people to pull off. (10ish GECK scripters 30ish DDS texturers 50ish NIF/KIF modlers 5-10ish voice actors 4 sitemasters to start up our forums and lets say about 20 other people) ~ Just to let you know, when IOI in Copenhagen developed the first two Hitman games, the company had less then 50 employees total, including the girl who answered the phone & the janitor. My guess is that you're overestimating the personnel requirements for this project.

PerroLoco53218 listen here yes i know its not the best written novel of the mod but it was a quick type to get it out there bro. 2 there is a difference between a mod group and a game company in companies there ALL PROFESSIONALS. you have to understand out of that 50 modelers or so only 5 are going to be any good! And btw have you ever heard of Cerberus? It was a team attempting a big scale mod with 200 people. and there still not finished. So ya I'm not a complete idiot over here expecting 200 people and didn't i say those were ideal circumstances. I don't expect anything to happen its up to the modding community.

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Lol I have to agree with Tony and PerroLoco


Lol to be honest I have no idea what you were trying to get across becuase youre "sentences" were barely conherant. But I will say that after some study and hard decoding of youre initial post, you pretty much want...


A) A conversation between the player and Sentinal Lyons


B) And alien invasion that the Enclave joins?? Or doesnt join? That part is still unclear to me.


C) A weapon to be critical to the human body (I thought a bullet entering the human body was critical enough but hey what do I know)


D) you a HUGE team of people to work on a mod that will no doubt be rampant with bugs. One of which you say you need "an organzier which you hope will organize this entire project"

So lets say for arguements sake that you you do get like 200 people together for this TOALLY AWESOME KILLER SWEET MOD idea, and youre not even the organizing it.....wtf will you be doing???


Despite it all...

CAN I BE THE ORGANIZER!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


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OK, I'LL PUT IT THIS WAY TO BE NICE (sorry, caps lock). Most big mods for the games, such as kvatch aftermath, the elder council, empire's glory, etc (I don't actually have fallout, but they're apparently practically the same to mod), use about ten, fifteen people max to complete the main mod, with another ten or so adding minor things. You are asking for 130 people to participate in a badly thought out mod that uses every possible cliché in the book. This isn't going to work, sorry.
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Well...It would be great to have 80 people for textures and meshes,

but it would be chaos to have more than 8-9 people working in the geck area

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