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Clear Out Project Purity - I cleared it but there is no option to tell


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Dad gave me the mission to clear out Project Purity. I've already done this once (sneaking through and looting EVERYTHING). I went in a second time and checked for any missed file cabinets etc, still didn't encounter enemies. (Deactivated the turret, maybe I should blow it up to be safe?) I've gone to the rotunda, sub basement, and every room in the giftshop without finding any enemies. I tried using the "killall" command but when I came out it still doesn't register the area as safe. What do I do? Is there another console command?




Please help me guys, I really want to finish this awesome game!


thanks a lot!

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well, you obviously didn't kill all of them.


cause once you killed the last one, you will get a message that you killed them all and your mission objective changes to "talk to dad" (or something along these lines)


my guess would be you missed at least one in the subarea, its not all that large but its a bit confusing due to all the 4-ways.


open up your pipboy local map and see if there's an area you haven't checked yet.

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Thank you for your answer,

But I have already checked all of those places twice. Even with the Pipboy.

I also typed "kill all" which would have killed all monsters in the area.


Is there no code to finish a mission?



Please help me,


thank u!

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Thank you for your answer.

So I will need to install the Fallout 3 editor? Geeze! I thought there would be an easy fix..

I am pretty disappointed since I also bought the Addon Brotherhood of steel, and I will now not even be able to play that either...



Is there any tutorial on how to find out the numbers in GECK?


thank you for your help!

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looked it up for ya:


install FOSE as mentioned (its simple, just use the Fallout Mod Manager (which everyone should anyway)) copy the FOSE files into the Fallout 3 folder and that should be it.


what you need to type into the console:


player.setstage MQ05 26


and thats it (stage 26 includes SetObjectiveCompleted MQ05 25 1, so there's no point to do that manually, when going to stage 26 25 will automatically be finished)


explanations here:


MQ05 = Main Quest 05 = The Waters of Life

stage 25 = Clear Project Purity of any remaining Mutant threat. (this should be the one your stuck in)

stage 26 = Tell Dad it's safe to enter Project Purity.


btw. if it helps, here's the code that works stage 25:


	if ( GetStage MQ05 == 20 )
	if ( AllClear == 1 )
		if ( MQ03.BodyCount >= 14 )
			SetStage MQ05 26
			Set MQ05.AllClear to 2

if ( GetStage MQ05 == 25 )
	if ( MQ03.BodyCount >= 14 )
		SetStage MQ05 26
		Set MQ05.AllClear to 2


its pretty much twice in there, in the event you killed all mutants before you got the quest to kill all mutants, you need to kill 14 mutants for the stage to update.


so use the console code above and walk with em, just be careful, cause if the script didn't update there might just be a mutant in there somewhere, and not all the people you escort are "essential" so some of them can be killed.

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  • 4 years later...

I've got the same bug, yet different..

I had already cleared all the mutties in there before "Waters of Life", and I checked 4 times to find any remaining enemies. There were none.

Then I found this post, and I used the: "player.setstage MQ05 26" command, (I had FOSE already), and the quest did get updated, and it told me to return to James/Dad to give him the all clear, but James didn't recognize that the area was clear.. He gave me the same dialogue options as before.. :/


I'm also using quite a bunch of mods. Most of my mods are from this FO3 setup:

(part 1/9)

The big mods in there are FalloutWanderersEdition/MartsMutantMod/EnergyVisualsEnhanced/FormerProjectBeauty/WeaponModKits/Fellout/EnhancedWeather, and all the FO3 expansions. (I'm also have a merge patch)

Can someone help me with this bug? :)

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