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Flas bang grenade


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Everyone knows what is this weapon who finished the game at least once.

This is the granade that knoks the player out in Vault 89.

I'we searched even the fallout 3 wikia, they knew the same as me. Only something that I allready knew.

So the grenade uses the same world model as the frag granade, it emits a bit of light and it has a beeping sound before explosion.


What I'd like to see in a new mod :


New world and 1st peson model and texture (a modded pulse granade whit different texture)

Same sound and light effect before explosion (I'm pretty sure that the effecte could be found whit GECK)

Knock down (same as the OPAnchorage's gauss rifle, but longer)

If the player threw the granade in sneak it doesent attract the others (enemy) near the player. (probably FOSE could handle it)

Farely big area to take an effect.

If the player is in range he/she could get some damage too, maybe half.

Could be found in pre war army posts, on encalve hellfire soldiers, and brotherhood sodiers, maybe buyable at quartarmaster Durga in the cytadel.

The price would be pretty high 'cous its a rare type of granade.


I'd like to make some of it ingame whit CRAFT too.


Components :

-1 pulse granade

-one fission battery

-one pilot light

-a chery bomb

(I hope this is not too dumb, its the best I could think of it, I'm open to ideas)


The scematics could be found in fort Independendce on the table right next to the T51-b


I hope its not a too big request, and its makeable.

(for the "makeyourself" ppl : I have zero experience in modding, GECK is like chinese to me :wacko: )




Edit01 : I know I screwed up the topics name, my bad :(

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Nope, it's been done. It can blind enemies, just by heavily reducing their Perception and giving them a Concussion. The imagespace, sounds, explosion, and everything are already in the game. Just look up "Flash Bang". Or "Flashbang", as some have different ways of spelling it than others.
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Yes, english is not my first language. Is it that obvius ? lol



I know there are some similar stuffs (I've searched the nexus first, before asked anything)

But I need something better, something different, more complex, and much more fun to use. :D

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