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Mods not showing up in Data folder


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I would grealy appreciate some help.


I am having a problem with creating new mods for Oblivion using the construction set. After I save a mod, after writing it in the construction set, I go to the Data folder and the mod is not visible (IE I don't see the mod's file in the Oblivion data folder even though the mod did save correctly). Within the construction set, I can still load the mod, and indeed the mod does appear in the list of files on the construction set's load menu, and if I try to save another mod I can see the first mod's file in the data folder in the construction set's save menu, but when trying to view the mod's file in the normal windows explorer browser the mod isn't there.


I am running windows 8 and have chosen to view hidden files in the windows browser, but still I can't see my mod files even though the construction set can still access them, and can let me view them in the construction set's save menu.


I'd appreciate any help I can get in resolving this.

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You have the game installed in C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files and UAC is "helping" you. The recommended location for Oblivion (and thus the CS) is C:\Games.

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You have the game installed in C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files and UAC is "helping" you. The recommended location for Oblivion (and thus the CS) is C:\Games.


Is there any way to disable UAC or add an exception to it? I'd rather not have to go through the fuss and bother of reinstalling my game.

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UAC is an integral part of Microsoft's security system protecting against malware and virus threats to your machine. I wouldn't recommend disabling it.


I'm a WinXP dinosaur on my gaming machine. I do have Vista on a non-gaming laptop and have setup my grandkid's various laptops and netbooks over the years on Win 7, but all but one were non-gaming machines (and on that laptop all games were installed to C:\Games). All I can suggest is Google and take your chances.


If you decide to get the game installed in C:\Games you can use Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guide. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page concerning moving your Steam install location. Also don't miss the part about registry cleaning ... it's important.

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