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The Mantis

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:D It is good to get into character.


No matter what kind of character I make, they always end up as these heavily-armored juggernauts with longbladed swords and hefty magic.


I really need to design some more preferences into characters...


For example, in Daggerfall, you could forbid certain armor or whatnot types when choosing a class. That helped to enforce preferences. Having a character refuse to equip leather or chainmail because it clashes with his/her style does help keep on on one's toes. ^_^

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Now THAT'S the spirit!


I've tried to create one of those, but the temptation to don armor always gets too overpowering for me...


The more backwater characters can be a lot more fun to play than the typical good-guy.


Rogues, for example, tend to walk into the houses and walk out with all the owner's possessions. You can't do that with a really pious character.

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