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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Now then guys, Ive been having a lot going on in personal life right now, been working every hour godsend and making ends meet, hence the complete lack of update and proactivity on the mod.

As you can appreciate, I have to prioritise and therefore the mod is taking a lot longer to come to fruition. It will be released at some point, but when I can't say.


Thanks for your patience and Ill keep in touch and let you know when things are being worked on.

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Hi guys.


It's far from dead, but over the past weeks my work has taken over, and as you can appreciate, life takes priority.


I've considered it various times and have decided to rework and release without the massive Quest, due to time constrictions.


In other words: Back to basics. Big style.


TARDIS and simple intro quest. No fancy shmancy stuff, just the full functionality I promised and the core Quest (Finding, Repairing and Owning).


But again, no deadline.

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just kind of curious Demeggy, whats your take on the new interior?


Hi mate,


well until I've seen it tomorrow properly, I cant really say. But I'm pro new series, and from the snippets I have seen, looks promising.


It'll be a ball ache to map though :P

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Been keeping an eye on this for a while and am really looking forwards to it. The sonic screwdriver should add a whole new option of playstyle (primerily; run away, locking doors behind you, while taking control of every robot and turret in sight.).


I have to admit... as much as I liked Tenant (he was the only Doctor I found interesting) the episode yesterday was damn good and this guy is just Whacky enough to pull it off i think, and the snipets from whats to come where very interesting. Karen Gillan is also very pretty, and her character is fairly interesting.




The mod is looking good. Hope you get some free time soon.

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Hi guys.


Well, my input - I absolutely loved it. It had everything that some of RTDs era lacked, and the fairytale, dark and adult yet blatently for children vibe it gave off made it absolutely brilliant.

Right down from little Amy's excitable packing of her bag to go and fly away with her new best friend, to the Doctor's bollocking to the Atraxii, simply amazing.


The new TARDIS set though... please don't expect that to make an appearance in the mod. :P


I'm sure you can appreciate the why's, lol.


The mod's about to undergo a complete overhaul. This will 1) Make the release a hell of a lot quicker, and 2) allow you to experience all the glory of owning your own TARDIS in the wasteland a LOT quicker.


The main reasons for the project going kaput in the first instance as said was mainly due to time constraints.


By streamlining it drastically, but keeping the core targets there, you should be getting just about what was promised. Minus the heavily laden quest.


I'll update accordingly.

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