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Need help with jagged textures


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I'm wondering how people have such smooth running games and no jaggies. I have my Anti aliasing maxed out in the settings but I still get jaggies even on the models in the loading screen. I've tried turning FXAA on, forcing triple buffering, and disabling VSync, but it isn't helping. The game just looks horrible with all of these jaggies. I can't even appreciate things like the 2k hair I have added.


I would greatly appreciate and advice.


GPU: GTX 770 4gb

CPU: i5 4670k

RAM: 8gb Ballistix Sport

ENB: Poupouri First Seed Extended V0.217


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Rather use the AA setting in your Nvidia control panel. Try that it should allow you to much higher as well perhaps up to 12X AA.

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not with an ENB....even yours..never heard of that ENB preset but i found it...


Read the description page...step 5 says....


Step 5
Turn off any anti-aliasing in you skyrim launcher.


All ENB's want AA and AF off in both the launcher, and any GPU software. You controll AA and AF from the ENB ini files.

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Oh ok you mean youve maxed them out in your ENB settings, I was under the assumption you were using the default launcher settings. Also I didn't mention an ENB preset so you've lost me haha.


If you press shift + enter in skyrim you can change a lot of things in the ENB, look for the AA section and turn it up, I don't use ENB so i'm not 100% sure but You might be able to.

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