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Screwed At Skar


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I have a game problem that a search turns up empty on, so it may be unique. When I enter the wooden hatch to the Ald'ruhn Manor District, I end up pinned in place about 10' down the walkway. I cannot get free to leave or to explore. I have tried jumping in every direction, levitating, marking and restoring, sneaking, and walking to no avail. I am running GotYE and MW Optimizer 1.96 with various texture replacers and other mods. Since no one else seems to have the problem, I am assuming it must be one of my mods. I have restored to a saved game levels before finding Ald'ruhn, and the problem persists. Anyone?
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It could well be a minor mod conflict. The simplest way to remedy it would be to enter the console command:



If that fails, then use:



And walk through, up onto the walkway. Then enter the tcl command again to turn normal walking back on. Be sure to do this quickly as turning collision off even for a short period of time can cause NPCs to walk through walls.

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