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Fallout: The Promised Land


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Cale looked back and forth between the child and Razor then chuckled. "Yeah sorta. I'm guessing you really like him don't cha?" He thought for a moment then flasjed Razor a wicked grin. "Tell ya what kid. I got some stuff to take care of. So if you prmis to take good care of him i'll let you play with him till i get back alright? I'll be back in a bit." He turned and walked away from the two chuckling madly to himself. "He's gonna kill me for that." He walked around the town for awhile. "I wonder where the hag is?" He suddenly stoped and grasped his left shoulder as a twinge of pain shot through it. "S%!$.... That's the third time today. Really starting to piss me off."
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Razor growled and then shouted back at Cale, his simulated voice seemed to eccho thrugh the entire town "AAAGH!!! CALE WHEN I GET MY PAWS ON YOU!!" The child's arm raised and she squeased, the sensitive sensor on his neck instantly felt the change, and the thrummings of his mechanical body became louder, some green 'veins' began to dissapear. His restraint programe was the one to go offline, but fortunatly for the child, so did his targeting system. Razor let off a loud howl and jerked free of the childs grip again, this time with enough force to send it sprawling to the floor. Razors attitude became ferral and although partially blinded by his malfunctioning system, he tried to navigate his surroundings. The child let off a shrill scream and skittered away. Razor ran towards the screams, only to run headlong into a building. the sudden impact brought his senses back together, and the sensitive sensor on his neck had reverted back into its normal state. Razor waited a moment untill the remainder of his vision came back to him. Razor shook his head vilontly "GEE THANX CALE!!" he looked around, the road clear for the moment, but his ears picked up several pairs of booted feet "i better get out of here." With that Razor turned tail and ran behind the building, only to scale it from the other end.

Razor gased down from up on the roof, a couple of would-be guards were now searching the area for the so called 'monster dog' as the child had described him as. "i really... REALLY... dislike childeren." Razor turned around and started to move from building to building, going in the direction that Cale had headded.

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Cale heard Razor yell and couldn't help but to start giggling madly. He knew he shouldn't mess with him too much seeing as how he was really one of the only people in the world that he actually got along with but he couldn't help himself. And he doubted that he would mess with him at all if he didn't get along with Razor.

He continued to wander around a bit until he came across a sight that most people would consider strange. But to him it was one he saw almost everyday. A woman who's decaying appearance was hidden under a burlap hood in the company of a pack brahmin and a young Yao Guai. He was tempted to sneak up on her but knew it was futile. The Yao Guai would sniff him out within seconds. Knowing what was in store for him he casually walked towards the group and prepared himself for the scolding. "Before you chew me out i just want to say..... It wasn't entirely my fault. Yes the burning the shack down was my fault. BUT! The junkies attacked me first so technically it's their fault. I was just defending myself and the shack caught fire in the process."

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It was cold. The boulder was warm. One part of her mind registered only these two things, and noted also that she was hungry. She felt faintly irritated that she could not do very much about this, but the six-legged ones would not let her come home with them. She smelled wrong. She missed the ones she had known back in that over-bright underground place that was her first memory, missed touch without demand or hostility or the dangerous misinterpretations that made her interactions with humans such a mine field.


She noted more coolly and coherently that, judging by the scent, something large and reptilian had been sunning itself on the rock earlier in the day, which had no doubt led to the heat retention which now made it a reasonable spot for her to consider spending the night. It was too cold for there to be a high probability of threat to herself from whatever-it-was. Anything ectothermic should be nearly comatose at this temperature.


She was far more concerned with the lights of the town she could see, dim and blurrily, not far off. She squinted with nearsighted eyes over the tops of her sunglasses. If she tugged the wide-brimmed hat off her head, she caught the strong scent of human bodies (washed and unwashed), hot food, alcohol, oil, rust, rubber, what was to her a dangerous and frightening tinge of tobacco smoke, and all the other things that meant people were living there.


She shuddered and pulled the hat back down, although this was not very comfortable. There would be warmth there, and food. It was just possible she would be able to barter her few bottle caps for one or both. The trouble was that it didn't seem like a very big town, and that meant people would notice her. She'd almost got shot last time.


Maybe one of the traveling merchants would pass by on their way to or from the town. Sometimes that happened. They would sell her things without asking questions. The hat muffled her sense of smell - she had hardly any sensors for that in her flat little nose - but she knew from experience that the vibration of anything so large as a brahmin approaching would certainly wake her. With this cold comfort, she tucked herself up as small as possible. She was a medium-sized person, and not very flexible; half the time she felt herself a prisoner in her own stiff skin.

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Claude sat hunched down in the shadow of a building, watching the owners of a nearby shack walk off. She had been watching them for hours, not even moving, waiting for them to leave. Eventually they slipped out of sight. Claude diddn't say a word, only quickly moving from her hiding spot to the window. she waited a moment, to make sure that the house owners diddnt plan on coming back for something that they had forgotten. Satisfied she quickly slipped thrugh the window and into the shack. It was rather empty as she had suspected but there was a cabinate on the far end that had peaked her interest. she slowly moved over to it and picked the lock with a bobby pin from her hair. The door moved open and she started to sift thrugh the owners belongings. "Jet... jet.... jet... psycho.... ooh stimpack. damn.... are everyone druggies nowdays??" she said quietly to herself as she relieved the family of the stimpac, but having no use for the other iems she left them alone.

Claude closed the cupbord and moved over to the other end of the room where she came to a fridge, using her skilled fingers she gained entry to the fridge and saw it stocked with a variety of things, only a few of which was food.

Just then she heard footsteps outside the entrence, so she quickly swiped a box of sugarboms, some iguana bits and the refridgerators lightbulb. she pocketed her items and quickly slipper out of the window before returning casually to the streets, the house owners none the wiser.

Claude took out the lightbulb from her pocket and examined it "... sometimes... i really wonder why i steal what i do. i mean... a lightbulb! what the hell??"

Just then a few men with combat boots and rifles in hand ran past her, she quickly stepped to teh side to avoid being knocked over. "whoa whoa whoa fellas... where's the fire?"

One of the men turned round "sorry miss, but we are looking for a uuh... monster dog? perhaps youv'e seen... one.... possibly??"

Claude noted that by the man's tone he was doubting the report that he had recieved, she used that to her advantage. "monster dog eh? where did you hear that?" she said the last with a bit of a chuckle in her voice.

The man responded by a nervios chuckle "Crazy huh? yea, we heard it from this little kid who apparently got attacked by the thing."

"well.... did anyone else see this ... monster dog?"

"well uuuuhm... no.."

"so are you sure that you want to be chasing after shadows? you do know the kid could be on something rite?"

At this point the guards embarrasment was apparent. "Well.... the kid has given us some false reports before....." he laughed, although it seemed to be a rather embarrased laugh " sorry to have waisted your time mam." with that he and the other men left, probably going backto whatever they were doing.

Claude let out a sigh "Razor... you owe me one."

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She changed position slightly, adjusting the straps of the backpack that held her medical bag and the first aid kit. She was reluctant to take it off. It was the only thing she owned, and that only because she had stolen it from Dr. Lesko. The fabric of her lab coat was already starting to wear at the ends of the sleeves, where she generally kept it pulled down to hide her hands like an awkward set of mittens.


She shifted nervously as she leaned against the rock. Too close to town for raiders, she thought, and hoped it was true. She'd run into a pair of them once. They'd shot bullets at her feet for a while, making her do an awkward little dance, and then come after her with knives.


They should have just shot her in the head from out of reach. She would never have been able to get a gun away from either of them in time to save herself, and if she had, would not have been able to use it. Fortunately for her, they hadn't known that.


That was how she'd come by her sunglasses, in fact. Everything else they owned had been too dirty for her to want to keep it.

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((Sorry for my leave of absence. Been in deep stuff for college.


Anyway, lemme introduce SickleYield. She's the writer of the epic Fallout 3 stories "Tales From the Wasteland: Thistle" and "Tales From the Wasteland: Black as Oil". She used to make mods, but stopped due to all of the flaming she got for them. It's her first RP, so she's not completely familiar with all the rules, but I briefed her on them. She's an incredible writer, so she's more than capable of keeping up.


Oh, and SickleYield, don't be fooled by Modqueen's errors in her posts. She's an incredible writer, herself. I've read one of her original stories. She just has a few problems of her own, like we all do. ^_^ ))


Brumas's growling alerted the Ghoul to someone approaching. The mutant cub understood things well enough to only growl when someone was approaching, not when someone was nearby.

"What is it, boy?" Morlin's raspy voice asked the mutant cub. The cub's loud panting let her know that it was an ally. And judging from how soon it was since the fire, Morlin had a pretty good idea of who it was.

"Cale. Nice of you to drop by, sweetie." she greeted him. She didn't turn to look at him. Wouldn't have mattered. She was more ocuppied with checking the contents of Bessie's pack, which she of course had to do with touch and memory alone. Gloves just made it harder, but she didn't want to leave any shed skin sticking to the supplies.

"Cale, sweetie, you know I told you not to cause trouble." she scolded him, though the weak and shaky rasp removed much of the threat of the scolding. But when you've known Morlin long enough, her motherly presence is enough to make it a proper scolding. "You've behaved yourself lately, and we haven't been in a town in a while, so this is just a warning."

She wagged a gloved finger at him... in the wrong direction.

"Just don't cause trouble again, or you'll get your allowance cut."

Even though the Ghoul didn't mean "allowance" in that sense, the use of it really made it sound like a mother talking to her child... What she meant was the small protion of the group's collective funds that was handed to each member upon finding a fragment of civilization.

"And no allowance means no Med-X. Are we clear?"

The cyborg had no doubt been with the Outlaws long enough to be well aware that he couldn't just steal some from Bessie's pack. Morlin seemed to have a sixth sense about when her "children" were guilty or hiding something.


((I realized something: The good thing about Morlin being a pre-war Ghoul is that even if an old man or woman joined the Outlaws, she would still be older than him/her. That really helps make her motherly tendencies cover the whole group regardless of age. XD ))

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[[OOC: Sorry, I didn't mean to startle anybody if I did that, and wow, thanks, Cyberweasel. :D I wasn't sure whether or not out-of-character posting was allowed, I didn't want to disrupt the flow for everyone, and I wanted to keep up my end with the required three posts per week. And, um, did I break one of the rules? Which one? Sorry? Anyway, I'm looking forward to playing with all of you. I've been stalking this topic so hard, you don't even know. ;) ]]


Meanwhile, Stubs continued to snuggle up next to her warm rock, clinging tightly to her med kit.

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(OOC Hey SickleYield. Ya know.. I think i might have one of your mods. Not too sure though. Haven't played oblivion in months lol. And don't worry you didn't startle anyone. I saw that Cyberweasel had posted your Character sheet up and i told Maya bout it. And we're both glad to have someone else on board :thumbsup: )


Cale snorted "Yes mother." He hated when she did that to him. The whole mothering thing bothered him a bit. Not just because he found it annoying and at times even sickening. But also because it often made him wonder if his real mother would treat him like that. Though one could argue that Morlin really was his mom considering Cale was only eight or nine years old when her and the other Outlaws found him out in the wasteland. He sat down against a neaby wall and sighed. "But you know. It's not like i did anything serious. They were just a couple of junkies... Nobody's gonna miss em." He reached up and rubbed his left shoulder as it was still hurting him. "Damn.... Speaking of junkies." He took off his backpack and started searching around inside it for one of the Med-Xs that he had stashed inside it. "There you are." He pulled out the small syringe and looked at it for a few seconds then sighed. "Screw it. I can go another hour or so." He put it back inside the bag and closed it. "So once we're done here where are we headed? Or are we just gonna walk in one direction and hope we don't run into a raider camp?"

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Razor had hopped off the roof and was slowly making his way back to Morlin, trying his best to aviod people.... especially kids.


"well..... you were in some deep trouble ill give you that Razor.... you OWE me big time."

Razor stopped and relaxed his shoulders and let out a sigh. "Claude..... i should of known."

the theif walked out from her hiding place in the shadows, she rested her hands lightly on her hipps "Another kid Razor... give me a break... this is the third one this month! just go along with it why dont you? you are going to end up either killing someone or getting dismantled. but you know..... Morlin is going to give you one hell of a lecture."

Razor let out a sigh and started to walk again, Claude started to walk with him. "you don't have to tell me. i try to stay away from them but... WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!!!"

Claude was holding her hand to her mouth to try to stop laughing. she lowered it to speek, still chuckeling between the words, "You are a kid magnet! They SEEK you out and latch onto you like monkeys. just the thaught is funny!"

Razor's ears were tilted backward, he wasn't amused. "Please tell me why you don't go and bother Cale..."

Claude put her hands behind her back "because its not like i have anything better to do... besides..." she leaned over to Razor and whispered in his ear "he scares me...."

This was Razors turn to laugh, although his sounded slightly mechanical.. but not by much. "Scared of cale?? not THAT is funny!!"

Claude crossed her arms stubbornly "WHAT!! havn't you ever seen what he DOES to people?! especially those who call him short?!!!"

Razor let out a sigh "push my sensor and ill show you what going mad is really like..."

Claude slightly moved to the side "yea.... you sacre me when you do that too..."

"you are a wuss..."

Claude smiled "and you are a crazy dog who likes to read books... so we are even. besides.... ive got all the others to protect me HA!" with that she ran off towards the now visible group of Morlin and cale.

"If its a race you want!" Razor lowered his head and charged Claude, he seemed to be gaining up to her... untill she turned around and ran faster.

Claude was so distrected from trying to win the smell race that she collided hedlong into Cale.

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