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Fallout 3 Photo Shoot


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From our Fallout 3 shoot today. Please enjoy!


"Never Surrender"




"Raider's Trap"




"When Calm Arrives"




















"Hunter and Hunted"




Also, this is a recent drawing I forgot to add to a previously posted topic. Please note that he is a not a full-fledged ghoul:


"A Nameless Mercenary"



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Wow, very nice! The drawings really have captured the feel of fallout 3. And, as usual, your drawing is simply amazing.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I was hoping I'd successfully capture the FO3 feel. My goal was also for my photos to be not too feminine or masculine, so that one saw past the woman and saw a feral creature, I suppose....

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Great work, kungfubellydancer, and a special mention for "Proximity": superb, a very deep feeling of tension hanged in time... looks like we 're watching a gore movie... with a first class travel ticket :thumbsup:
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