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.bsa's and conditions


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can anyone give me a step-by-step for how to pack .bsa files AND how to setup specific conditions in which fallout would use a specific .bsa file? this is regarding texture files. i'm trying to avoid getting into to much detail here but i'd like one area of the game to use one set of textures (a replacement of the original textures) and another area, that would normally pull the original path to instead pull from a bsa file. please message me if you need me to go into more detail.


thank you

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You can't conditionally load data as an override like that. What you'd need to do is make two textures and have two meshes, and put them where you want them to be.


Also, for the record, more info is almost always better, and "trying to avoid going into too much detail" usually leads to people not being able to help because they don't know what you want to do.

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