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Yes, smiles. Big grins, embarrassed, coquettish, lopsided, tight lipped. My girl has a full set of chompers. Let's see them!! A big smile with all of her pearly whites flashing in the sun; a small smile with just the tips of her teeth showing; and everything in between these two. Winks. How about a wink with her mouth suitably cocked? Let me see her stick her tongue out at me!! Say, "Whisper." Yes, her eyes closed and her lips gently puckered to receive that first tentative kiss.


Give me something that I can print out, put in my wallet and proudly show to the guys at work saying, "This is Harem. The daughter of my mind."





Edit: I'm sorry, but this was ment for the TES Oblivion site. I placed it here by mistake and have requested that the Admins move it to it's proper local. On bended knee this rabbit begs the pardon of the Fallout 3 community for this little fourpaw.







Moved from Fallout to Oblivion at OPs request. Bben46, Moderator

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