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Enhanced Weather v2


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Edit: Issues with Broken Steel, sorry for the typo. I didn't catch it before submitting the post and can't edit it out, it seems.



I got my game up to the BS content today, since then I've noticed that during the rain etc, specifically when Indoors and the weather sounds are playing.... Fallout 3 will simply freeze and I'll have to CTRL ALT DEL to end task on it...



It only seems to be during certain storms, but I can't SEE the storm to know which one it is... I turned off the mod and it seemed to work fine, turned it back on and it froze up on me again...



Am I missing an update somewhere? I mean, there doesnt' seem to be a BS ESP added into the mix and I really am unsure what to do at this point other then disable the mod, which would be sad, cuz I like it raining here and there and it goes great when my Fellout sky is couldy.

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