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Should I even bother anymore?

Harabec Weathers

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You know Ive been one to just roll with punches, never been one to start crap but I also dont let people take advantage of myself and others. Same thing applies with relationships, yet another failure at one lol. Ive lost count and am really wondering why the hell Im even putting myself though all this crap when they all end the same way.

I like to think of myself as I thoughtful person, the find of guy who guys his girlfriend flowers just because its monday or something. I pay attention so I dont miss birthdays, anniversaries, important dates. I think about my significant others likes and dislikes when cooking or buying something. I do things around the house in my spare time so my gf doesnt have to. I guess Im just old fashioned like that. Ill give all the respect in the world so long as the same is given back to me. Not too much to ask for right?


Well after so many crash and burn relationships the only thing Ive learned is that apparently I just suck at being a bf lol.

I mean maybe its me lol?? I tohught doing nice things like buying flowers and going out to eat, and doing things that would make my signifant other's life easier would be a pretty obvious sign that I cared for her....but apparently all that means Im just interested in getting laid and dont care about her at all. Like I kid you not, every single time it ends up the same way. It goes to hell in a hand basket. And after the smoke clears, all thats left is me picking up the pieces and feeling a little more numb than before.


Im leaving in 63 days so Im really not chompin at the bit to find someone new, or even to repair things with the ex. Since I hate Florida, I really dont plan on coming back here lol.


But Im curious, Im know Im not the only whose been through break ups before, maybe not as many but it happens to everyone, its part of life. Im curious as to why we even bother with such things anymore. Chivalry is just about dead, maybe not entirely sincfeIm still around, but its almost gone lol.

Lol like why do we even bother with looking for a significant other? I know Im pretty much done, Im not looking anymore.

Of course I say that now but Im sure Ill keep looking anyway.


Anyone else wonder the same thing? Or going through the same thing?


Im just curious, thats all.

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Why bother? Because it's worth it. You only need to hit the jackpot once.


I guess Im just not a lucky person when it comes to that sort of thing. I sure as hell havent hit the jackpot yet. But it seems you have, lucky you haha :thumbsup:

lol... I wish. I'll never give up hope though. I know the reward will be worth any amount of pain. I've seen the smile of a jackpot winner... 1000 yard stare... priceless.

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Heh. Be glad your even being given a chance. Most girls where i live won't even talk to me. Nice guys don't have chance here. It seems that chivalry is indeed dead. It's been tainted by all the guys out there that used it just to get laid and so now it seems that anytime a guy acts nice to a girl she thinks he's just wanting to sleep with her. So those of us that are actually somewhat nice and want a girlfriend for the relationship and not just for the sex are constantly fighting an uphill battle. So all i can really say is to keep your chin up and keep looking. Your bound to find the right one for you sooner or later. Just have a little faith. It's all about the attitude :thumbsup:
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That's too bad :( You keep on acting that way though, there aren't many guys like you about anymore :) I can tell you hunny, I have a man just like you, and he's the best thing ever to come into my life. He's so sweet to my family too, he'll just go and do the dishes and pick up the house for my grandma when she's tired or fix anyone's computer :) He doesn't ask for anything in return, no matter how much they say they want to give him something for his time. We were over at my grandma's yesterday and she was just praising how he's so rare and that he's restored her faith about men haha. I've been with the sweetheart for 5 years and he still comes over by my computer to give me a hug and kiss and say how much he loves me ^_^ I must say I've found the love of my life, lol, and we met on yahoo messenger...scary huh? :P


Don't change how you are and keep on fighting, there's a lady for you I'm sure.


Ladies put up the defense when a guy like you swings around because there aren't many of you around anymore and like the last poster said, it's been tainted by the "jerks". There's girls that thrive off drama and a "bad boy". Everyone's different.


I blame it mostly on T.V. shows and those dumb magazines (Cosmo and the like) Women go and buy the mag as they are waiting to get checked out at the grocery store. How many I've seen pick up one of those and toss it on the belt. I've never bought one ($8 for a magazine that's half ads? psssh), but I have read a little of it online to get what these were all about. Ladies, don't read that trash. "Body language decoder" ,"What his snuggling tells you", "The Magic words that make him tell the truth", "How to get a man by the holidays"....yeah don't listen to this crap...these so called "experts" on men. Just looks like "How To Cause a Whole Bunch of Crap" How many times I've heard my girlfriend say "But in Cosmo...blah blah blah" and she wonders why her and her boyfriend are always fighting. She reads that and constantly analyzes him, gets stupid thoughts in her head, and a fight ensues.


Goes for ladies and men, be yourself, because there's always someone out there that will love and care for you the way you are. I never thought it would happen to myself, but it did :)

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I never realy think about girls when I'm solo, but to me it can happen like anywhere. For example, I walk on a street I see a girl and BOOM, it gets me. Simple..
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