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Realistic recovery


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The thing about stimpaks is that it doesnt actually heal you. It just kills the pain. So I was thinking, someone should make a mod that only allows stimpaks to heal limbs. You might be thinking, then how to heal ourselves? Use food. The mod should include food with higher recovery. It woulod seriously be more realistic. And maybe make a oven that can cook. Like a workbench except it produces food. Maybe like Dandy boy apples,Flour Dirty Water and Tin can becomes ApplePieInACan! Or something like that.l Be imaginative and think of logical recipes and results. Basically, make food part of the game instead of selling it all the time.
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actually following what youre saying.. wouldn't it make more sense to not be able to heal limbs with it? that way you could be healed by stimpacks 'superficially' (main health bar) but would still suffer the actual damage to your limbs and you would have to actually rest/see a doctor to get fully healed.


this way stimpacks would allow you to survive, but not actually heal the wounds you're suffering.


there already are a few mods that change food in a way that they heal less damage, but for a longer time, which makes more sense...


most of the things you're asking for have been done already in various mods.


even stuff like having to use medical equipment other than stimpacks to fully heal yourself...


and the cooking bit will probably be in RoTS once it is released...

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